He’s a tiny little thing — barely has his eyes open — Siku the Polar Bear, but he already has millions of fans worldwide who have watched him roll over, have his back rubbed and just be adorable on ABC News, the BBC, YouTube and a variety of European video websites.

Siku and one of his handlers

He’s being hand-raised by the Scandinavian Wildlife Park in Denmark, after his mom couldn’t produce enough milk to feed him.

One of his handlers thought it would be fun to post a video of the little cub on line — and Siku became an instant celebrity. Now three zookeepers keep an eye on him around clock, making sure the little guy is okay. It is a hands-on job, but park officials told reporters Siku — whose name means “ocean ice” is “really doing fine.”

Siku rolls over

Siku will bear being constantly watched until he’s one year old – and the world looks eager enough to watch along. Millions saw the first

video of him – where the cub playfully rolls around and tries to stand up. And despite the fact he will one day become a fearsome predator, right now Siku weights just 7 pounds – and enjoys nothing more than a tummy rub.

Siku takes a nap

Of course, there is that resemblance to Knut, the polar bear from Berlin Zoo who also captured the attentions of admirers around the globe a few years ago. Knut was orphaned at birth, then raised in the German capital’s zoo. Sadly, Knut died at age 4 from encephalitis.

The Scandinavian Wildlife Park say they are working hard to ensure Siku will enjoy a much longer and healthier life.

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