
This tale has twists and turns that are almost too hard to follow.

It seems a dog named Hunter flunked out of a police-training course teaching canines to save children. He was put up for adoption and Reyna Zurita took in the pup.


One day, he suddenly perked up — and led Reyna on an urgent half-mile chase through her neighborhood. There they found a non-breathing infant. Moment later, a hysterical foster mom showed up — she’d been trying to get help. Reyna barely knew the basics of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, however she overcame her lack of training and breathed life back into the baby, who had fallen into the family’s swimming pool.

“The baby was purple,” she remembers. “And I grabbed the baby, I gave it CPR and I never did that in my life. I don’t know how I did that, but I did and the baby was alive.”

Paramedics soon arrived and took over.

Port St. Lucie Police Department Sgt. Richard Schichtel recognized Hunter immediately. The dog had been trained in child rescue but “washed out” because he did not perform well enough.

“I just want to thank God for the lady and her dog,” said the baby’s guardian, Julia Pasqual — a foster parent. “They’re both angels.”

The baby’s fine. Hunter and Reyna have been proclaimed heroes. Julia believes it is Heaven-sent that they showed up when they did.

Indeed, how else did a washed-out police dog suddenly sense an emergency … and just happen to have a new owner who would go off on a chase, then successfully attempt CPR, despite not really knowing how?

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