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As store owners worked to pick up broken glass and debris from their property after two-week of violent protests, and vandalism—someone offered kindness.

The shooting death of an unarmed Michael Brown by a police officer sparked outrage across the nation dividing residents and the police.  Business owners also were victims. But a man came into a hair salon, barber shop among other stores offering 100 dollars to help rebuild the community. Salon owner Dellena Jones business sustained damage with the front door to her shop being smashed. The stranger was described as an elderly white man who lived in Ferguson for years, and he did not want to be identified, only offer encouragement according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

“I said, ‘Oh my God,’ you know, ‘thank you.’ ‘Can you give me your information because I want to send him a thank you card?’ He said 'no.'

The local Tea Party group is petitioning the government to have a tax-free day and is also organized a BUYcott in Ferguson to help generate business. The St. Louis branch started in local neighborhoods and social media to help gain support.

They asked for 20 people to buy services from area businesses. About 40 people showed up to spend money to help stores reopen.

Iyanla Vanzant is a life coach and was sent by the Oprah Winfrey Network to talk with people for her “Iyanla, Fix My Life” show. Some met her with skepticism while others embraced her intentions.

She reminded people that justice takes time and there needs to be open, peaceful, dialog.

“It's not going to happen next week. What are you going to do then? Participate. Raise money. Gather the youth. One thing at a time. You can do this. But you've got to talk to each other. And if you can't talk to each other, nobody's going to listen to us.”

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