Eric LeGrand Book Cover 

Imagine your dream – one of the biggest driving forces in your life. You eat, sleep and breath for your dream because if you achieve your goal then you can deem yourself successful. Your dream is the motivation that gets you through the tough days. What if, without warning, your dream was taken away from you within seconds? You would be left with a harsh reality, left to pick up the remains of who you thought you were, and left to figure out who you were.

Eric LeGrand is a defensive tackle who played college football for the Rutgers Scarlet Kings of the Big East Conference. LeGrand loved football and dreamed of making it a career. Then on October 16, 2010 LeGrand suffered a severe spinal injury during a game. After a gruesome tackle, LeGrand laid on the field unable to move from the neck down. Despite the odds, LeGrand has continued to make progress and beat the odds.

In an interview the courageous athlete talks about the brave path he continues to follow.

What is your daily motivation to keep trying to get improve and keep on keeping on?

My daily motivation is all the people that are looking up to me and are supporting me through this patch of my life. I take my therapy as a responsibility to get better in order to show miracles do happen through faith, hard work and determination.

What advice can you give to young athletes who have or are facing injuries?

I tell all athletes that they have to continue to fight no matter what the injury is, do not get down on yourself. Just know that you will have to work hard in order to get where you want to be and from there you just have to do it.

Who’s idea was it to write a book? What inspired you to tell your story?

I have always thought about having a book, especially since my injury so once I was able I talked to my agent and we worked it out and I was very excited. There was a lot of people that did not know the inside and out of my story and I wanted to get that out there through my book and explain everything I went through and show them my motivation in life.

What’s in the future for you?

In my future. I see myself as a motivational speaker traveling the world, inspiring people with my story. I also will be broadcasting football games as an analyst either in studio or at the games, breaking down the game of football for the viewers at home. I also see myself back up on my feet walking all over this world.

In your book, you say that your mom is your hero. Why is she so amazing?

My mom has been with me since day one. Before and after my injury. She is a fighter and will never give up on me and I want to get better for her so she can go back to the life that she wants to live and not have to take care of me then that inspires me on a daily basis.

Who’s your idol (sports or celebrity wise)? Why?

My idols that I look up to our Ray Lewis and Kevin Garnett because of the way they approach each game and try to lead their teams emotionally through their play and preparation to the game and that is what I always tried to do when I played the game.

What do you want readers to take away from your book?

I want readers to look at me as a hero and a person that will never give up. When faced with adversity, no matter how old you are, you have to deal with it and make the best of it, no matter what the situation is. Strive to be the best that you can be at what you do.

To read more about Eric LeGrand or to purchase his book click here.

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