
Are you empowered for success by your home, living and work environment? Do you spend your time with quality people that support, uplift and inspire you?

Do you take good care of your health? This includes spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.

This is the Game of Life. A successful and empowered life requires balance and attention to all areas.

How you think, feel, speak and act creates your behavior, outcomes and karma. What you eat and how you exercise affects how you think, feel, speak and act.

Meditation, kindness and acts of service empower your being to awakening.

Life Is A Theater – Invite Your Audience Carefully:

Not everyone is healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives. There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a DISTANCE.

It is amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not going anywhere relationships or friendships.

You cannot change people, they are who they are, your time is better spent on someone who is not a ‘project.’ Observe the people who are close to you and with who you spend a lot of time. Which ones uplift and inspire you? Which ones bring you down? Which ones encourage you?

When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse? Which ones always have drama or do not really understand, know or appreciate you?

The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you… the easier it will become for you to decide who sits in the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.

Remember that the people you spend time with impact your quality of life, income and success. So you must be careful with the people you choose to spend time with, as well as the food you feed your body. mind and spirit.

You should not share our dreams with negative people, nor feed them with negative thoughts.

Who is in your front row?

This does not mean to judge, criticize or belittle others. We can help the less fortunate or less awake. We must have compassion for all people and use discernment how we nurture ourselves and use our resources in all areas and remember that ‘there by the Grace of God go I.’

Life is a theater and it also helps to have a good sense of humor and smile often.

Lee Papier writes the "Have a Magnificent Day" blog on Beliefnet.

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