Country Faith Book Cover

Country Faith gives the reader an intimate look into the private side of these country celebrities as they discuss their heartfelt faith and what it means in their lives. The hardcover devotional exposes a variety of Bible scriptures that have become so personal to these artists and by reading their comments and thoughts, these selections are certain to have an impact with the book’s audience also.  It’s comparable to sharing a daily devotion with your favorite country legend as you sit in your easy chair at home, which will make you view these talented artists in a whole new way.

Brad Paisley

Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. JAMES 2:17

Those Crazy Christians.” I have a song on my album Wheelhouse by this title. The song is written from the point of view of someone baffled by people of faith. Most puzzling to the skeptic in the song is not the faith itself, but the actions that such faith produces. Things such as mission trips to dangerous regions, baptism, hospital visits to strangers, sobriety, forgiveness of atrocities, talk of heaven, etc., all must look insane to someone who is agnostic. But there is something so inspiring about watching believers do good things. Growing up in a small church, this was what stuck with me. That’s why James 2:17 resonates with me. The most impactful examples of someone’s faith in action that I can remember aren’t hands raised in the air, or shouts of hallelujah and joy, or judgment. It’s the church members gathered around my cousin’s bedside as he breathed his last, and how they took shifts ‘round the clock with his family in those last two weeks while he fought for his life and lost. It’s the Vanderpool family, who donate the majority of their income and time to charity. It’s my wife, who found the same fire in fighting for the cause of relief in Haiti, taking multiple trips there to nurse the sick and the poor. These are the people who inspire me. Not someone telling me how they think it is. No scare tactic or fire and brimstone sermon ever did diddly-squat to strengthen my faith. It was the works.  ~ Brad Paisley


Miranda Lambert

A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown. PROVERBS 12:4

Going through the problems that you go through your first year of marriage, people say it’s the hardest year, and it was difficult. We had a lot of loss in our first year with [my husband] Blake’s dad passing away and my childhood friend passing away and being apart. With Blake being on the TV show The Voice and me on tour, there were a lot of ups and downs. I just realized how important the sanctity of marriage is, how much we needed each other, and how good it feels to know somebody has your back. Proverbs 12:4 really means something to me. I love it. I thought about getting a tattoo of it because I want to always know that it’s there. More than any diamond or anything else, it’s really tattooed on my heart. ~ Miranda Lambert


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