kids laying in circle

Did you know nationwide about 7,000 students drop out of school every day? However, 97% of former Boys Town youth stay in school.

Acting as a “beacon of hope from coast to coast,” Boys Town provides assistance to struggling children and families - whether it be reuniting kids with parents, finding foster homes for others, providing a Boys Town family for those with nowhere else to turn, or helping heal families in danger of being torn apart.

Founder Father Flanagan said, “The poor, innocent, unfortunate little children belong to us and it is our problem to give them every chance to develop into good men and good women.” Ultimately the organization gives struggling children and families the assistance that they need and helps change the way America cares for its children and families.

One Boys Town Alum, Greg, said on Facebook, “Before I came to Boys Town, I never thought I would amount to anything in life. I wanted to give up. When my dad passed away, I was completely lost and confused. I gave up on my belief in God and everybody…when I came, I was angry at the world. I felt I was all alone. But, in my heart, I knew I needed a change. And when I started changing, everything good happened.”

Dad poring over books

Greg is just one of the many that Boys Town has helped find their way as well as find meaning in their lives. What makes Boys Town different from other child and family care options? Boys Town was founded in 1917 and has progressively continued to improve their programs through research in order to help promote change in child and family care. Instead of viewing these kids and parents as just a case number, Boys Town gives them education, support and faith guidance they need, empowering them to transform. With more support, Boys Town is able to reach and change more lives, giving supporters knowledge that their gift will help not just one child, but that child’s child, that child’s child’s child and so on – which is the ultimate goal. They are teaching families and children how to rise above drugs, guns and abuse by educating them on the facts.

The only way to break a chain of negative action is to change the source of that motion, which is what Boys Town is doing – changing the beginning of children's lives so that there is a happy ending.

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