
Becky ThompsonBecky Thompson is unlike any woman I’ve ever met in my life. I have personally followed her blog for several years. Whether I’m going through a difficult period in my life or just looking for someone to relate to, Becky has been there for me – even though she may not have known how deeply touching her words truly were. Scissortailsilk.com started out as a fashion blog however, God had a bigger calling for Becky. She has developed a community of “friends”, with over 80,000 Facebook followers.

In her first book, Hope Unfolding, Becky continues to share the Lord’s word. Somehow the mother of three and wife finds the strength and energy to share God’s word by inspiring thousands of women around the world. “I recognize I can’t do it all. I try not to let anyone believe that I am doing it all. In fact, I try hard because I want people to see the areas I fail,” Becky said. “I don’t push forward, I lean back. And it’s really that intimate relationship that I have with Him. I think there are a lot of books and articles written where you’ll have more endurance, but I think those things fall short because they’re temporary. A good night’s sleep is temporary. Having an organized house is temporary. This hope and joy and peace and love come from being rooted in the Lord. All of those other things pass away.”

Hope Unfolding is a book that will help any woman, regardless of where she’s at in her life. As women, we are constantly pushed and pulled into several directions. Becky’s book reassures women that while they may seem to be failing, they’re absolutely not! “We are made up of each ordinary moment. We have to focus on each individual moment as its present. Continue to look toward one another and allow the Lord to be the strength,” Becky said.

And that’s exactly what life as a woman is built on – ordinary moments. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, helping the children with homework, playtime, bedtime, career and everything else in between – that’s the average woman’s day-to-day. Somehow women are expected to maintain everything, with a smile and a sense of grace. However, that’s not always the case – not most of the time, anyway. And this is where Becky comes in. Her inspiring words let us, women, know that we are not defined by what we didn’t accomplish. The laundry is still lying unfolded – so what. The dishes are still piled in the sink – so what. Your child doesn’t have the perfect Pinterested birthday party – so what. Life goes forward and hope unfolds.

Since life is sometimes haywire, most women forget that before they were mom they were a wife. “As moms we continue to have the same level of attention and we forget to turn our back to our husband. You have to take time and recognize the opportunities to move towards your husband. Whether it’s a conversation, we can engage our hearts and recognize that this moment is available and that we have to take it,” Becky said. In Hope Unfolding, and on Scissortail Silk, Becky shares her own experiences with her husband and how she is able to strengthen her own marriage.

Becky is real. She shares the good and the bad because she knows what women really need. They need to feel normal, but they also need a silver lining. When we’re knee deep in dirty laundry and covered in whatever our child decided to share, we need hope. Becky is our hope. In Hope Unfolding, she is the voice that helps fellow women not feel guilty about running to the store solo or buying an outfit that makes us feel beautiful. If you’re searching for a book that paints women as perfect Pinterest replicas then this isn’t for you. But, if you’re in search of unfolding hope that will serve as comfort and a newfound reality then get out your Kleenex, grab a cup of coffee and cozy up with your new friend Becky Thompson.

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