
Vision, compassion, honor, justice and freedom. These are important qualities and values that create transformation and empowerment. Today’s challenges give you the opportunity to tap into these qualities. Gandhi transformed the world and you can too!

We all could use more compassion and truth. You have the freedom of choice to not accept anything less that total truth and your divine plan. Others may try to program or convince you about what you should do. But in the end, the choice is always yours!

Deep down inside your heart and intuition, you know the truth. You know what is right and what is wrong. You know when people are following proper principles and you know when they are not. You also know when you are.

Even in challenging times, anything is possible. You can still create whatever you want as long as it does not violate the rights of others. You know when something has merit and nothing can stop a good idea when its time has come. You can make your dream a reality even in this new economy and under any circumstances. It takes belief and action.

This is a time when vision and greatness are needed. People need hope and inspiration more than ever to achieve their dreams and make it happen. The vision and greatness of the founding principles of The United States of America are still alive and well. Like any dream or truth, it needs to be acknowledged, shared, nurtured and protected.

Make this the time in your life to renew your commitment to excellence and proper principles. Take the time to make sure that you are following your truth and divine path.

“Those who know the truth, learn to love it.

Those who love the truth, learn to live it.”

Make this your moment of truth. Make this your stand for freedom. Live the life you have imagined! You can make a difference, for yourself, your family and for others.

For more from Lee W. Papier, visit  his blog at Have a Magnificent Day. 

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