glory haus four friends

Glory Haus, it’s more than art – its joy, hope and the result of God’s work. A common passion to love the Lord brought four women together to begin Glory Haus. Through fun art pieces and décor, the company hopes to give hope in the Lord’s truth while bringing beauty to your home, office or anywhere else you may dwell.

It’s refreshing to know that companies, like Glory Haus, who care about the world, still exist. Their mission statement is – community transformation that glorifies the Lord and changes lives through our work, art and relationships has been our focus from the beginning and by God’s grace has been fulfilled time and again. The company was named Top 25 Businesses of the Year by the Cobb Chamber of Commerce.

Glory Haus Frame

Recently Trista Sutter, star of the reality series The Bachelorette, partnered with Glory Haus to produce a collection focused on gratitude. The collection is called A Grateful Heart – the pieces are centered on living a life filled with love and gratitude. “Gratitude should be lived out as a verb,” said Sutter. Her collaboration with Glory Haus is a perfect relationship because both parties are interested in making a difference in the world. Sutter and Glory Haus ultimately want to make the world a better place. The collection, like most of Glory Haus’ products, provides inspiration and hope.

Their pieces exude words that will inspire your day-to-day and allow you to display your most cherished memories. However, Glory Haus continues to push the envelope by reaching out to people all around the world. In India, Glory Haus is providing fair trade, social enterprise that provides training and employment to an organization called Daughters of Hope – which is a group of impoverished women. The Daughters of Hope are producing linens for the Glory Haus line. The company is dedicated to the development of the factory, training, free meals, daycare and prayer. With the help from Glory Haus, the Daughters of Hope will be lifted from poverty, gain self-respect and a brighter future.

Providing hope and faith to the world is Glory Haus' mission - a goal that is making the world a better place day-by-day.

For more information on Glory Haus click here and for more information on Trista Sutter click here.

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