
Woman on Smart PhoneNew Year’s brings with it an endless list of goals. Even though the New Year has a plentiful amount of opportunities for a new you, sometimes it’s easy to become bogged down with the expectations associated with those newfound desires. However, rest assured that there are reinforcements out there to help make your dreams become a reality. And the best thing is that your biggest aid is in the palm of your hands. Before you embark on your new goals, check out these apps that are designed to help you get in shape, get your finances in check and accomplish just about every other mission you have set.

1. Lose It! - The app helps you set a daily calorie budget, track your food and exercise, and stay motivated to make smarter choices and achieve your goal. There are customizable options that allow you to set a plan that fits your lifestyle. By entering in your goals for weight loss, exercise, macronutrient intake, blood pressure, sleep and more you’ll be on your way to achieving your weight loss goal.

2. Mint - If you’re looking to save money or perhaps wondering where all of your money goes then this app is exactly what you need. It’s simple and easy to understand. Plug in your account data from bank accounts, credit cards, investment portfolios and other financial data, and Mint will organize your financial transactions into categories. Users can personalize the app so that reminders, tips, statements and other notifications are received via email or through your mobile device.

Mint will help users develop a budget while also having information such as credit score and net worth readily available. The app also uses bank level security.

3. Lift – Lift has the ability to be a calendar, to-do list, goal-based social media, and advice forum rolled into one. The app offers users planning for life with reminders, notifications, social motivation and coaching features that are set up to be flexible around your schedule. You can set up reminders for practice sessions or any other steps that you’ll need to take to meet a certain goal you’re hoping to meet. There are several groups, within the app features, that provide advice, motivation and encouragement. The app is a big community that wants to help in bettering each other.

4. Fooducate – The app is free and helps users adopt a healthy eating and exercise habits by approaching the wellness journey with a technical aspect. The app provides users the ability to scan a product’s barcode so that they can learn about the food they’re eating. In addition, the app can also track your nutritional diet and exercise progress daily, weekly, and monthly.

5. Indeed – Finding a new job is never easy and it takes a lot of work. However, with the Indeed app there are a lot of options to search from. The app provides access to millions of open jobs and the opportunity to search by filters such as location and salary preference.

These are just a few of the apps that can help you with your New Year’s resolution goals. Not only will these apps provide reinforcement with your new ambitions, but you’ll find that their technical abilities will make achieving success much easier.

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