
Life is really a series of unexpected adventures and the more we entertain and expect them, the more thrilling and rewarding life becomes. Let’s take a look at some ways we can be present in our lives and see and experience life as the present it truly is.

I have been called a bit of a Polly Anna or a cup half full person on more than one occasion, and I don’t have a problem with that. As long as there is room in the cup, be it half full or half empty, it means that there is still room for more. Many of us have this desire within us to want for something more in our lives. We aren’t not unhappy with what we have right now, we just know that there is supposed to be something more. Like the caterpillar preparing himself for the cocoon, he just knows that there is something more awaiting him when he emerges.


When you find yourself longing for more, there is often a strong desire to move on to something more meaningful in your life and that is the perfect time to see what is available to you, what you desire to do and how you can use these opportunities to your greatest advantage. Pay attention and be ready for action as when the time is right, you will want to work quickly and will need to buckle down, keep your focus and get things done so that you can make the most of what is being offered to you.

Develop your qualities like honour, integrity, kindness, compassion and love. These are traits that will lead you through the changes with grace and ease and is a part of your spiritual and emotional growth. You cannot always choose what is happening around you, however you can always choose how you act and respond to those actions. It gets easier as you go long, and also remember to be kind and gentle with yourself as well

Affirmation: "I am ready to make the most of the opportunities that are available to me right now and I have many to choose from.”

Let it Go

Release anything you are holding on to that isn’t working in your life. There is no need to try to make something work that no longer does. See the gift from the experience and Let it go. When you look deep within your heart, you know the truth and what it means to you and then you know what to do...Let it go. View it with love and compassion and prepare to move on to the new beginnings you desire. Complete the cycle so that you can move on unencumbered and make the new situations and relationships you desire.

Open yourself up to receive as there is much that is new that is coming your way. View yourself and your life with compassion and keep doing your best. As you open yourself up to succeed, you will see that this is an abundant universe that has much to offer and enough for all.

Look within, clear what needs to be cleared, let it go and prepare to move on. It is time and you are ready.

Affirmations: "I am letting go. I release any judgements, arguments, or past hurts that I have been carrying within me. I have compassion for everyone including myself. I forgive myself for what I think I have done or not done."

You are Ready

It is time to move forward and so that can included forgiveness of the self, of the past and choices you have made. The angels wish to remind you that challenging people, situations and experiences are all to help you learn and expand. Without them, you would not grow. Bless them with unconditional love as you release them, the situations or perhaps something of the self. It has served you well and it is time to let it go.

Ask Archangel Zadkiel to help you transform your thoughts and feelings to be those of tolerance, understanding and love. He can help you to release any lower vibrations, and help you ascend to higher ways of being in your life and your path. He is a wonderful teacher and is waiting for those who are prepared to walk the path of light and to help you transmute all of the energy around you back to love.

Affirmation: "I invoke the violet flame and Archangel Zadkiel to help to transform my world and the world around me. I forgive myself and others for any perceived–real or imaginary - wrongs that have transpired and I am cleansed by the violet flame."

Take Regular Time-Outs!

Take a time out from all of your cares and taking care of others and take care of yourself. You are at your best and highest use to be in service when you are rejuvenated. Allow and ask your angels to help you to heal, to help you rest and help you find peace. Ask that your energy be cleared and balanced, and if you need to experience a physical healing, then ask for Archangel Raphael to overlight the process and your journey and share his healing light.

Make regular time for yourself and release whatever in the world is dominating your thoughts. Feel the love and connection with your angels and let that become your dominant focus.

You are nearing the end of a cycle and so look around to see if there is anything you have left incomplete. This is the time to finish off with the old so that you can move forward with ease and grace. Call upon your angels to comfort and guide you as you prepare for a new aspect of your journey. Remember to set your intentions as you create that which you are thinking about, and this is the time to consciously create in your world.

Affirmation: "I can easily release any thoughts or feelings that keep me from my center of peace and harmony. As I release these feelings I am able to be in a place that allows me to be in highest and best use to the Universe and all that is."

You are Entering a New Cycle

Be open and ready for new experiences and opportunities as you enter this new phase. It is most important for you to at least have the clarity that you want to experience something more. You do not have to state precisely where it is you wish to go or what that is, just have the intention for something better and grander than you currently are experiencing. It is the willingness to go beyond your current state that will help you shift your world.

See the beauty within yourself and others. Each of you is a flower that can bloom and grow. Take time to nurture and love yourself as this will give you the strength and desire to take each step and make it meaningful. There is great love here for you or you would not choose this to experience. Make the best of each day and know that as you do this, more awaits you when you awaken in your tomorrow.

Be Happy Now

Be happy regardless, and love who you are right Now! Love all of your perfections and imperfections, for you are absolutely perfect right now to help you accomplish your life's mission. You will know when you are accepting yourself because you will feel great just as you are. Angel guidance reminds you there is something for everyone in this magnificent Universe and you are deserving, worthy and loved for who you are and to see yourself in that light.

Affirmation: "I bless and appreciate every aspect of myself."

Take the time to say a prayer by setting your intent of what you would like to experience each day and be ready to make the most of everything and everyone and all the unexpected opportunities from Spirit to be living your life as the adventure you desire, and have a blessed day, every day.

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, her weekly radio program Calling All Angels for more information check out her Home Page at http://www.playingwiththeuniverse.com

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