Woman walking on pier with white angel wings

Angels, what can you tell us about God?
 Oh, this is one of our favorite topics! God, Divine Source, Creator, Universe (all the “correct” names by the way) is absolute love. There is nowhere that love is not present. We cannot even begin to describe to your human senses the vast love that fills every crevice inside you, in the outside world. God is alive. You only need to look at the sun, trees, kindness of strangers, giving of charities, and activists. God is not as hidden as one perceives. God is right there out in the open for all to see.

God is up 24 hours a day and doesn't need to sleep. God loves all the children of the planet and does not hold grudges or think low of any of them. God loves all.

God is here now. God knows that many humans might have fear or not understand or think there is a God because of the amount of pain, cruelty, and suffering upon the earth. As foreign as this concept may sound, God does not control everything. God allows for the children to have their will of free choosing. God will give direction, but many pass it up or are blinded by other influences.

However, God never abandons and one must understand that here in life many will be called to use their God qualities to help ease and bring insight or support. There are many valuable lessons that one takes from living a life of human existence.

God knows that not everything seems fair, that things get tough, disasters happen, but God is there. God cares and wants for everyone to know that for every despair, murder,  criminal act, natural disaster, infidelity, illness, cancer, injustice, poverty, mental illness, hurt, God does send each the love, healing, and comfort that is needed through angels, light beings, ascended ones, deities, saints, animals, friends, family, and strangers.

So many channels come to you from God without you knowing it, and God prefers to remain incognito.

God is the provider in all needs, and whatever you may want, it is yours for receiving. God is a giver, nurturer, helper, answerer, protector, healer, inventor, comedian, and because God is all of these, so are you. Not one person does not have God present inside them. Sometimes God gets filtered out by your own doing but God is still awake. You are the ones that have on the sleeping masks on tightly and don't want to take them off. That is okay. God still comes through. Recognize God and remember that you are God too.

Read Lisa Owens's blogs The Fae Way Come N' Play and Angel Directory.

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