
Prayer is a simple act of asking or communicating with the Divine Source, God, Great Spirit, Universe, and a Higher Power along with angels, guides, ascended ones, etc., and asking for their direct intervention and guidance with pressing concerns that occur on the earthly plane. Praying does not have any strict guidelines to follow, just that you ask. Many say to add for the highest good of all, that we would not permit for anything else to happen that was not of the highest purpose for you and your life's circumstances.

Prayer is not hard to do, although you may feel like you are not doing it in a way that is right or pleasing. Pray in the ways which move you. Pray from guidance that you read from material, books, and articles you find and connect with.

Do not hesitate to pray or think it's silly or won't work. Prayers work and other times it may take longer for what you want to happen. If something doesn't happen, you can guarantee we were protecting you and it was something that would not be appropriate and give you something you can work with.

Pray for food, pray for shelter, pray for good weather, pray for a pleasant and safe trip... the list goes on and on. Prayer requests never expire or run out. Praying with emotion is a very powerful key and you will notice how different you react when you pray with feeling and heart vs. with ego. Prayers can be done through song, chant, dance, artwork, going within, and visiting a holy site which includes any shrine, church, temple, mosque. Also you might want to use amulets, symbols, and emblems all to enhance your prayers. These are not a must, but they can help to keep your vibrations at a higher level or receiving answers and results to your prayers and keep you feeling good.

Pray when you feel like, pray when you don't... even when you do not think you are praying you are. Why do you think so many people are constantly having inner dialogue and lists with themselves each day of their lives? What they are really doing is conversating with their Universal Self.. to their angels and guides and don't suspect this to be so. They think, I have not prayed today, when indeed they have been all day!

You can give us an open-ended invite so that we can help you.  We don't always need to be asked for help, but the majority of times they do need your consent. Without it we can perform tasks and help you out but asking really gets it going. You may say, "Angels, I invite you into the sacred space of my mind, soul, and body. Each night and day listen to me as I pray... all of my thoughts, worries, and concerns I give to you. Show me signs so I can lift my mood of blue."

Prayers can be subtle, as extravagant as you desire, as short as you need, as long as you want. What prayer is doing is handing over situations that are taking a negative effect on your outlook. The energies then become clogged and you get into a battle of this is wrong, this sucks, I hate this, who cares, why should I bother... all of the fear-based attacks come booming and don't show any signs of ceasing. When this happens, you don't have to force yourself to pray... just release. The art of detachment is also a prayer that can work amazing blessings into one's life.

Read Lisa Owens's blogs The Fae Way Come N' Play and Angel Directory.

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