Angel Affirmations

Disasters and tragedies are never something you want to endure but the angels want you to realize that out of them can result in very positive awakenings. Here a few reasons to cope when a disaster or tragedy strikes and see things from a higher calling one in which you are being asked to pick up and answer.

1) It reconnects you with love. When a disaster or tragedy occurs there is one place everyone turns to or reaches out with and it’s love. In these moments truly nothing else matters you recognize these simple treasures to cherish. You may spend more time with those you perhaps couldn’t beforehand due to other earthly priorities or you are being asked to exercise your love unto others.  Where there is love there is hope.

2) People are given the opportunity to do better and be better by reaching out to each other and put aside their differences. You practice the art of giving and putting another’s pains, worries, and needs center ahead of your own while focusing on delivering hope where that might not be any. You demonstrate the power of touching others.

3) The global community is unified because it gives all religions, cultures, and peoples the same goal: to help others. It doesn’t matter who is praying for whom because all these prayers and acts are done with sincerity, kindness, and love. It shows that we are not limited in our potential to get along and be reminded of what we are..not bodies but souls.  

4) You are given the reminder that nothing in life is permanent and that is why you must cherish each moment as sacred and take more inventory into such as when someone you might not want to listen to really needs for you to do so. Or perhaps just to laugh and be with family. Take everything in. Don’t be asleep while you are awake.

I want to end on this inspiring quote given to Doreen Virtue from the angels that we must all live up to and seize the day, “We are frequently called upon to act as earth angels in response to another's prayers.” So, when you feel obliged to do something for another or ask if someone needs a hand….do it.

For more insight on angels and prayers check out Lisa Owens new book: Pocket Full of Prayers: 37 Prayers for Healing, Comfort and Life.

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