
“We can be light, however briefly, in someone else’s life.” ~ Lorna Byrne

This prayer and thoughts are inspired by Lorna Byrne’s newly released book A Message Of Hope From The Angels.

Angel of Hope,

Please fill my heart and the hearts of (place names) with hope not to give up. Help keep the flame of hope burning brightly within us no matter the challenges, adversities, life circumstances, or financial worries we are currently dealing with. Grant us hope to keep charging ahead and arrange for miracles wherever and whenever you can to ease our frustrations, pain, and hopelessness. Amen.

Hope stands for:

H arnessing

O ptimistc

P erspectives

E veryday

You may wonder how this translates into real life. Here is the thing to harness something is to take a hold of something and use it for all it’s got…sort of how hope works. You see there are instances everyday where hope breathes into your life and those around you…and there are times where despair takes up a big space and blinds you so you think you cannot keep going but there are stairs that lead to hope. You may be asked to do something and other times another will lead the way or something will be bestowed up on you. It could be kind or supportive words, or varying other ways for angels to reach you perhaps something angelic related (think the word angel or angel gifts coming to you in mysterious and unexpected ways) or a positive shift in career, getting ahead, …even something very “little” that will make you smile or give you a thought of..I really am not on my own here. Trust me they occur. As they say Expect the Unexpected, Life Can Turn on a Dime..things can get better all the time. Even if circumstances are getting you down there is hope. Use the prayer when you need to and as Lorna Byrne suggests to get hope rolling be a light for someone else..this will give you hope too.

Read Lisa Owens's blogs The Fae Way Come N' Play and Angel Directory.

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