Woman walking on pier with white angel wings

I bring to you a message of hope and understanding. Allow yourself to feel the energy and love of my light as I surround you in an orb of copper light. Let it permeate every cell of your body and be bathed in in this light. Be open to receive, for you are indeed worthy of this greatness and more, as is everyone and everything. Let no one diminish you. All are sacred and blessed in the light of the Creator, regardless of the outward appearance.

Let wisdom be your guide. Trust what you have already learned in your journey and know that you can connect to the limitless knowledge of the Universe through your heart. Through the wisdom of your heart is the seat of your creativity, inspiration and your spiritual purpose and growth. Let us bring forth the energy of revelation and understanding. 

“I trust that I am connected to the universal wisdom and my own inner wisdom.”

Give love. Offer of yourself unconditional love. That is love without any conditions or agenda other than to support and nurture another. Let your warmth and gentleness be a guiding force for others along the path who do not feel this for themselves. Show them it is possible to keep their focus with loving eyes and tuned into hear loving words. Show patience and kindness and love as the angels do. Look for rainbows as they symbolize Divine Love for all.

“I give and receive love unconditionally.”

Communicate with others from your heart. Let it be the filter by which all words and thoughts come forth. You can help deepen your understanding of others and yourself by deepening your connection within your heart and combining your thoughts and feelings. Ask for Archangel Gabriel to overlight you so that your communications are the words that are needed and appropriate at that time. Trust in a higher outcome for the good of all and that healing takes place where it is needed.

“I communicate all my thoughts, words and actions from my heart.”

Trust that you will receive the guidance that you seek.  Trust that your angels will help to light the way. The more you remind yourself of this thought, the more it becomes your knowing and then a natural, unconscious part of your journey. You will not question it. So for now work on the trust and realize it is like a muscle that needs practice and work to become strong. Do not give up should it not turn out the way you thought, for it does not mean that it is a failure. It only means that there is something more you haven’t seen yet. Watch for clues and signs reassuring you that you are on the right track.

“I trust that I will receive whatever guidance I seek.”

Have faith, for there is help available always.  Should you come to a crossroad and not know which is the next best step to take, trust that your angels will help to light the way. Ask yourself, “Which way brings me closer to my mission and life purpose? And then watch for the signs, you will know you are on the right track. Visualize the most perfect of outcomes for the good of all, which of course includes you, and of course take action steps as you are in exactly the right place to start.

“I have faith that I will always know the best path for me to follow.”

Your soul yearns to fulfil its purpose for experiencing a human life. Your soul longs to express its true self. Review the steps that have brought you to where you are now. The ones that fill you with energy are when you were living your life in your purpose. The ones that offer you sadness and pain, they need to be transformed. See the gift in those experiences and the lessons that were learned and release them. Fill your heart with graciousness and gratitude for all that you have and all that is coming your way. This is a most sacred energy.

“I am living my purpose every day and in every way.”

Hold peaceful thoughts for yourself and others. The pathway to peace is paved by finding peace within the self. As within, as without. As you find your own personal peace with your life, you will then find peace in your world.  Act locally to help change the world around you. This is the pathway to global change.  Foster good relationships with others, be at peace with nature and allow her to bring more love and peace into your life. There is great healing in connecting in this way. Be at peace with your world.

“I am at peace in my mind, body, heart and soul. I am ready to be a channel for divine peace.” 

Trust that the universe will unfold as it should.  Trust that the unveilings of life the universe and everything will unfold. Trust that all is right with the world and it is just becoming balanced once again. Change will happen, that is evolution, and you cannot stop that. You can however change how you choose to see the changes that are happening around you. Choose love for that is the most powerful force in the Universe.

“I trust that the knowledge I need will come to me when I need it.”

Aim to treat each other with respect, unconditional love and grace. See each other through angel eyes and know that each one of you is a spark of Creator Light and deserves to be loved and nurtured.

“I treat everyone with God's loving kindness.”

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