2016-05-12 2016-05-12

Editor's Note: Beliefnet featured a Doreen Virtue book contest with the question, 'How has an angel or archangel helped you?'  We share one of the amazing stories below.

My angel story starts in November 2008. A cousin I was very close to committed suicide by hanging himself. A week later, another set of close friends committed murder-suicide. They had been married 45 long years and could not take the hard economic times. I was also given notice at my job that I would probably be laid off in January. It was the best job I have ever had. My son started failing in school because he was worried. To make matters worse, I began having nightmares of my the cousin who committed suicide. He told me how nice it was and I should come and join him and my friends. I could not sleep.  I was afraid of that dream.

After the layoff, the first round of bills hit me really hard.  I had no money for food, electricity, heat, or anything else. I had no savings, I had used up my retirement fund and the credit on my credit cards. My son and I were headed to homelessness.

I was depressed and at the end of my rope. The only thing that kept me hanging on was my son. Who would take care of him? His father walked out when he was three and his adoptive father walked out in 2005. I prayed every day for guidance. I prayed to the good Lord for the strength to carry on just one more day.

Then, something happened. Sitting alone in my room one day, I got an email from an old high school friend I had not heard from in 32 years. He had run away during senior year of high school to join the Navy because he could not deal with his home life.  How in the world had he found me? We had both changed our names.  Was it some kind of miracle? We started emailing, sharing our beliefs, and telling each other about our situations in life. We lived 1200 miles apart; he lived Iowa and I lived in Las Vegas.

He was a good man and I had found a great friend, but I started to pull back from the friendship because I feared being committed to someone so far away. I was ready to run in the other direction because of the complications a deeper friendship or relationship would bring to our lives. I was terrified. He had already told me he did not do long distance relationships. I did not want to be hurt again.

One night, as I was trying to figure out how to distance myself from this good friend and wonderful man, an angel came to me and said, “God brought you together because you are good for each other. You will make each other grow spiritually the way many other couples are not blessed to do. You have the gift and he will acknowledge it. If you choose this path, it will not be easy but the rewards will be great. I will hold your hand as I hold his and you will not be alone, even when you are not together. I will join your hearts. It is good. Do not run away. Open your heart to the possibility of God’s love. Allow it to enter and build your friendship in the way he meant it to be.” I felt and saw the angel that night. When I talked to my friend the next day, I was very surprised that he accepted that I could see angels.

I am no longer depressed. I have hope that, with each challenge, we will survive in positive ways. My friend and the angel saved my life.

Read more stories from winners of the book contest:
Heaven's High Priestess
Meeting Archangel Michael

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