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What Your Archangels Are Really Like

By Chantel Lysette

You are cordially invited to take a peek into the lives and personalities of each of the 12 archangels. Get to know the angels and their lovable personalities better. With all my heart and soul, I hope that the following pages will inspire you to connect with your angels, so that your spirit might be uplifted and encouraged. The angels are waiting!

Start getting to know your archangels today.


"Azrael Loves Chocolate, Michael's a Jock: An Insider's Guide to What Your Angels Are Really Like" by Chantel Lysette, (c) 2008. Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989. Used by permission and with the best wishes of the publisher. All rights reserved.

Archangel Chamuel

Meaning of Name: He who sees [seeks] God.

Message to the Contemporary World: To make peace with yourself is to make peace with the world.

Patron Angel Of: Horticulturists, hunters (non-recreational), outdoor survivalists, physical fitness trainers, forest rangers, gardeners, farmers, chefs and cooks, naturalists, environmentalists, philanthropists, emergency aid workers.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When you are facing challenges in staying true to yourself and your cause.

Archangel Raphael

Meaning of Name: God heals

Message to the Contemporary World: Heal thyself.

Patron Angel Of: Astronomers, doctors, healers, nurses, travelers, herbalists, intuitives (clairaudients, clairsentients, clairvoyants, claircognants, medical intuitives), light workers (reiki, acupuncture, yoga instructors, massage, kinesiology, chiropractics, etc.), therapists (all types), shamans, and medicine women.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When healing or a significant transition is afoot.

Archangel Iophiel

Meaning of Name: Beauty of God

Message to the Contemporary World: The illusion of beauty is pain.

Patron Angel Of: Painters, sculptors, masons, architects, visionaries, gardeners, artists in general, art historians, art teachers, photographers, fashion designers and models, interior decorators, wedding planners, film directors and production crews, community beautification groups, art museums curators and benefactors, philanthropists, secrets.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When you need to slow down and make rest, respite, and recreation integral parts of the healing process, whether this is healing of the body, mind, or soul.

Archangel Michael

Meaning of Name: Who is as God

Message to the Contemporary World: Learn to laugh and approach life with childlike zeal.

Patron Angel Of: Police, firefighters, soldiers, protectors of truth and justice, surfer dudes and dudettes, dancers, car racers, wrestlers, body builders, football players, basketball players, sun and beach worshippers, sports.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When the environment in which you live is about to drastically change, whether due to a new residence, a new job/career, or a change in family/friend dynamics.

Archangel Uriel

Meaning of Name: Fire of God

Message to the Contemporary World: Is the End here yet?

Patron Angel Of: Judges, lawmakers, peacemakers, seekers of truth, upholders of justice, prophets, visionaries.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: I have rarely seen Uriel in consultations. In ten years, I can probably count on one hand my encounters with him, and those encounters were deeply serious in nature, usually involving someone’s path as a scholar or prophet.

Archangel Cassiel

Meaning of Name: Speed of God

Message to the Contemporary World: The rules have not changed. “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (Matthew 7:2)

Patron Angel Of: The oppressed, the down-trodden, the impoverished, the enslaved, the unjustly persecuted, orphan children.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When you are at your darkest hour, feeling abandoned by all that you held dear. When your heart is heaviest and overflowing with tears, Cassiel appears to help shoulder the burdens of your woes and keep feelings of hopelessness at bay.

Archangel Metatron

Meaning of Name: Little YHWH (a variant of Yahweh)

Message to the Contemporary World: Behold the Spirit of God that is beautiful and benevolent and dwells within the heart of every child.

Patron Angel Of: Children, teachers, librarians, archivists, scribes, storytellers, nannies, babysitters, child psychologists, pediatricians, accountants, bankers.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When you are embarking upon new, uncharted territory in your spiritual journey and are in need of company and security.

Archangel Ramiel

Meaning of Name: God’s mercy

Message to the Contemporary World: The only history a human can ever be certain of is that which he makes himself.

Patron Angel Of: Tribal elders, shamans, prophets, family elders, archivists, librarians, historians, educators, history museum curators, archeologists, forensic specialists, statisticians, stenographers, and stock market and economic analysts.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When it’s time to revisit your past and recognize your life’s patterns in order to facilitate future healing and growth.

Archangel Raguel

Meaning of Name: Friend of God

Message to the Contemporary World: The presence of anger is the absence of wisdom. The presence of greed is the absence of God.

Patron Angel Of: Land owners, farmers, manual laborers, community leaders, agricultural workers, industry workers, community planners, managers, foremen, supervisors, multitaskers.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When it’s time to reorganize your priorities and get down to business.

Archangel Gabriel

Meaning of Name: God Is my strength

Message to the Contemporary World: True liberation comes not by surrendering to either humans or machines, but to the Divine Order of the universe.

Patron Angel Of: Writers, orators, philosophers, theologians, actors, poets, physicists, computer geeks, bloggers, entrepreneurs, life coaches, motivational speakers.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When you begin to question your place in God’s Great Equation and want to take a conscious role in fulfilling your life’s purpose.

Archangel Sandalphon

Meaning of Name: Brother

Message to the Contemporary World: If humans didn’t shield the radiance of the Spirit in their hearts, there would be no need for sunlight.

Patron Angel Of: Prayer, music, law, youth, unborn children, children with disabilities, midwives, concentration, mathematics, playfulness and games (board games, video games), puzzles, riddles, secrets, academics, school exams, gifts and charity, florists.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When you need to find common ground between work and play. Not all workers has to be arduous, and not all play is merely a way to pass the time. To discover the middle ground between the two is to discover a life of perfect harmony.

Archangel Azrael

Meaning of Name: God helps

Message to the Contemporary World: To eliminate the fear of death, one must first eliminate the desire to control life. Death is not a call to judgment. It is merely a call home.

Patron Angel Of: The dying and the dead, caretakers, morticians, pallbearers (to secure their steps in a procession), grief counselors, funeral home directors, death.

Usually Arrives in Your Life: When you are struggling with any notion of death, be it your own or that of someone you know or love. Azrael is not to be feared, but to be embraced as a guide to lead us from one existence to the next. He doesn’t just show up when death is approaching; he also comes to us to allay our fears of death when it is still so far away.

The 7 Archangels and Their Meanings
Connect to the archangel that specializes in the area of your life that you wish to improve. Read next feature >
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