Find Out: I heard once that angels are 30 feet tall, but I've found no biblical proof. Do you know if this is true?

This is a question often submitted to this column. We are familiar with urban legends that are spread by e-mail, often to thousands of people who accept the information as truth. There is what I call a "heavenly myth,” currently making the rounds, that claims that the Bible says angels are 30 feet tall. There is not a single verse that supports this claim. Angels are spirit beings that have no physical form unless God sends them on a mission that requires it. This form can be any size or shape. For a more complete answer, see my column, What do Angels Look Like?

From the beginning there have been teachings, superstitions, and legends about angels from sources outside the Judeo-Christian faith. Many of these teachings come from ancient Egyptian and Greek religions as well as mystery religions that were popular during Jesus' time. To help early Christians distinguish the truth about angels from the falsehood, New Testament writers pointed out the differences in the epistles and in the Book of Hebrews.

Questions sent by Beliefnet members show that many ancient ideas about angels that are refuted by New Testament writers persist to this day. These ideas are being taught by popular gurus and are found in best-selling books. Some are based on ancient religious writings or philosophical systems that have been adapted for our current culture. Here are two examples:

I am Catholic and I purchased two CDs called "Angel Meditations." Both are by Jan Yoxall from the "Sacred Light" series. They're called "In the Presence of Angels" and "Angels by My Side." I find them very relaxing and they seem very spiritual. They have helped me with my anxieties, worries, and fears. However, a friend told me that these CDs could be "dark." Since she said this I have been worried about listening to the CDs in case they are against my faith. Jan Yoxall speaks of opening your crown chakra and one has a guided meditation to meet your guardian angel.

Are these CDs okay for me to listen to?
--Lisa Monoson

On her website Jan Yoxall gives her reason for preparing the material you are using: “My purpose in this life, as communicated to me so clearly by connecting with dolphin energy in the warm waters of the Caribbean, is to lead people into their hearts, using a combination of the techniques I have learned during my years as a practicing therapist – deep relaxation, guided visualizations, forgiveness and compassion all play a part in raising our vibration so that we can connect with the Angelic Realms...”

She states her teachings are also based on “The Law of Attraction.” The Law of Attraction was first found in ancient Hinduism. Through the centuries it has been adapted in many ways by different groups. Today it is prominent in New Age thought.

Jan Yoxall also incorporates an ancient tradition known as chakra which originated in the Vedas, the oldest written tradition in India. The word "chakra"' is Sanskrit for "wheel" or "disk" and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body.  The crown chakra is the seventh energy level, and it is considered a tool to communicate with our spiritual nature and to connect us with the universal consciousness, sometimes referred to as our God Source. Jan Yoxall integrated angels into this belief system.

Some pick and choose ideas from The Law of Attraction and the Hindu chakra system. Although these ideas are said to work with people of any religion, they are in opposition to traditional Christian and Catholic doctrines.

Is there such a name as Channael or Hannael that refers to a fallen angel? I spoke to a man who teaches from an old Hebrew text, and when I told him of an unusual dream I had, he said I was blessed. He said God was giving me the name Channael. I asked him what it meant and he said, "God's Brace."

When I researched that name, I couldn't find it; I found different names for a fallen angel. I thought the man may have spelled it wrong. How can one be blessed with the name of a fallen angel? A friend helped me look up different spellings of the name, and we found Chaniel or Haniel. I wrote the man an email asking if he meant to spell Chaniel. He said he had spelled the name correctly, and a fallen angel had been given grace back. He did not repeat that the name meant "God's Brace."

Now I don't know what to think of this guy who teaches old Hebrew texts. Is there a Channael who is a fallen angel? Does the name really mean "God's Brace"?
--Ty Marie

I did extensive research, and I was unable to find the name Channeal in any of the lists of angels in ancient or current religions and traditions. I do not know what “old Hebrew text” the man you mentioned is using, but there is no indication that he is using the Hebrew Scriptures, Kabbalah texts, or any other recognized Hebrew texts. I do not think there is any reason to put credence in anything he tells you.

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