2016-06-30 2016-06-30


  1. Listed as one of four angels along with Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel (Enoch 9:1).
  2. One of seven archangels named with their delegated tasks (Enoch 20).
Jewish Faith:
  1. In one of Daniel's visions, Michael—"one of the chief princes"—came to Gabriel's aid in the battle against the prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13, 21). Also believed to be the protector of Israel (Daniel 12:1).
  2. Commonly believed to be the unnamed "commander of the host of the Lord" that Joshua sees in the heavens when he's near Jericho (Joshua 5:13-15).
Protestant/Catholic Faith:
  1. Rebuked Satan in their debate over the fate of the body of Moses (Jude v.9). This is the only place in the Christian/Catholic Bible that mentions Michael as an archangel.
  2. Along with other angels, battled the great seven-headed, 10-horned red dragon (Satan, in the form of a serpent) during the great battle in Heaven. The dragon was defeated and thrown down to earth along with other fallen angels (Revelation 12:7-12).
Muslim Faith: In the Qur'an, he is mentioned as one of two angels who should be no one's enemy (Surah 2:98).


  1. Listed as one of four angels along with Michael, Raphael, and Uriel (Enoch 9:1).
  2. One of seven archangels named with their delegated tasks (Enoch 20).
Jewish Faith: Helped Daniel interpret his prophetic visions about the Messiah (Daniel 8:16-26; 9:21).

Protetant/Catholic Faith:
  1. Appeared to Zechariah to reveal his wife, Elizabeth, would give birth to John the Baptist. Also, made Zechariah mute when he didn't believe in the prophecy (Luke 1:11-20). 
  2. Appeared to Mary to reveal she would give a virgin birth to Jesus (Luke 1:26-38).
Muslim Faith:
  1. In the Hadith, he is known as the angel who revealed the Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad. He also accompanied the Prophet on his journey from Mecca to Heaven to meet with Allah.
  2. In the Qur'an, he is mentioned as one of two angels that should be no one's enemy (Surah 2:97-98).


  1. Listed as one of four angels along with Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel (Enoch 9:1).
  2. One of seven archangels named with their delegated tasks (Enoch 20).
  3. Instructed by God to bind Azazel, an angel of darkness, by the hand and foot (Enoch 10:5-7).
  4. Explains to Enoch the purpose of four hollow places, where the souls of the dead dwell before Judgment Day (Enoch 22:3-24).
Catholic Faith:
  1. In the Book of Tobit Raphael takes the human form of Azarias and serves as a guide for Tobias, the son of Tobit, on his journey to collect money his father left in the city of Media.
  2. He also taught Tobias how to heal his father of temporary blindness and how to free a young woman, whom he marries, from a demon.
  3. Announced he was one of the "seven holy angels who present prayers of the saints" before God (Book of Tobit 12:15).
Muslim Faith: Even though he's not mentioned in the Qur'an, he is mentioned in the Hadith as the angel who blew the trumpet signaling the arrival of Judgment Day.


  1. Listed as one of four angels along with Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael (Enoch 9:1).
  2. One of seven archangels with their delegated tasks (Enoch 20).
  3. Instructed by God to warn Noah about the Great Flood and how to prepare for it (Enoch 10:1-3).
  4. Acted as a guide to Enoch and as an instructor about the cosmos (Enoch 21:5-10).
  5. Reveals the judgment that will face the angels that have fallen from God (Enoch 19:1-3).
  6. Explained God's seven visions to the prophet Ezra (2 Esdras).

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