<strong>We're sorry, but this content is no longer available on Beliefnet. You may enjoy the following related articles:</strong><br><br> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/191/story_19101_1.html">Prayers: 'Archangel, Hear Me'</a><br>By Beliefnet Members <br><br></li> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/55/story_5547_1.html">When Prayers Have Wings</a><br>By Morris B. Margolies<br><br></li> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/25/story_2579_1.html">A Prayer to Archangel Gabriel</a><br>By Linda and Peter Miller-Russo <br><br></li> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/198/story_19837_1.html">Praying for Angels in the Middle East</a><br>By Terry Law<br><br></li> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/107/story_10772_1.html">Leaning to Pray for Someone Else</a><br>By Joan Wester Anderson<br><br><!-- TEXT BEGINS HERE <center><a href="/story/202/story_20217_1.html#archangel">Archangel Prayers</a> • <a href="/story/202/story_20217_1.html#jewish">Jewish Prayers</a> • <a href="/story/202/story_20217_1.html#roman">Roman Liturgies</a> • <a href="/story/202/story_20217_1.html#saint">Saint Prayers</a> • <a href="/story/202/story_20217_2.html#orthodox">Orthodox Prayers</a> • <a href="/story/202/story_20217_2.html#muslim">Muslim Prayer</a> • <a href="/story/202/story_20217_2.html#pope">Pope Prayers</a> </center><br /><br /><a name="archangel"></a>Angel of God, my guardian dear, <br />To whom God’s love entrusts me here, <br />Ever this day be at my side, <br />To light and guard, to rule and guide. <br /><strong>—traditional Catholic prayer to a guardian angel</strong><br /><br />God our Father, in a wonderful way You guide the work of angels and men.May those who serve You constantly in heaven keep our lives safe from all harm here on earth. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. <br /><strong>—Feast of the Holy Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Roman Missal</strong><br /><br />O God, who did give blessed Raphael the Archangel to Thy servant Tobias as a companion on his journey: <br />grant to us, Thy servants, that we may always be guarded by his care and strengthened by his help. <br /><strong>—Feast of St. Raphael, Tridentine Roman Missal</strong><br /><br /><center><img alt="" border="0" src="/imgs/tout/story/angelbluedivider.jpg" /></center><br /><a name="jewish"></a>Peace unto you, O ministering angels. <br /><strong>—Jewish blessing</strong><br /><br />May the angel who redeems from all harm<br />bless the children. <br /><strong>—Jewish bedtime prayer</strong><br /><br />Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise Him on high. <br />Praise Him, all His angels, <br />praise Him, all His hosts. <br /><strong>—Psalm 148:1, Tanakh</strong><br /><br /><center><img alt="" border="0" src="/imgs/tout/story/angelbluedivider.jpg" /></center><br /><a name="roman"></a>St. Michael the archangel, defend us in battle, be our protector against the malice and snares of the devil. We humbly beseech God to command him, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the divine power thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls. <br /><strong>—early Roman liturgy</strong><br /><br />We humbly beseech Thee, Almighty God, command these [consecrated bread and wine] to be carried by the hands of Thy holy Angel to thine Altar on High. <br /><strong>—Roman liturgy</strong><br /><br />By the intercession of blessed Michael the Archangel, standing at the right hand of the altar of incense, and of all his elect, may the Lord vouchsafe to bless this incense, and receive it as an odor of sweetness. <br /><strong>—Roman liturgy</strong><br /><br />May the offering of our service, O Lord, and the prayer of the blessed Archangel Gabriel be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord; that he whom we venerate on earth, may be our advocate before Thee in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. <br /><strong>—Tridentine Roman Missal</strong><br /><br /><center><img alt="" border="0" src="/imgs/tout/story/angelbluedivider.jpg" /></center><br /><a name="saint"></a>O thou who speedest through all space<br />More swiftly than the lightnings fly, <br />Go very often in my place<br />to those I love most tenderly. <br />With thy soft touch, Oh, dry their tears, Tell them the Cross is sweet to bear, Speak my name softly in their ears, And Jesus’ Name supremely fair! <br /><strong>—St. Thérese of Lisieux</strong><br /><br />O most holy Angel of God, appointed by Him to be my guardian, I give you thanks for all the benefits which you have bestowed on me in body and in soul. I praise and glorify you that you did condescend to assist me with such patient fidelity, and to defend me against all the assaults of my enemies. Blessed be the hour in which you were assigned to me as my guardian, my defender, and my patron. <br /><strong>—St. Gertrude</strong><br /><br /> <a name="orthodox"></a>O Master, Lord our God, who has appointed in Heaven Orders and Hosts of Angels and Archangels for the service of Thy glory; cause that our entrance there may be an entrance of Holy Angels serving with us and glorifying Thy greatness for unto Thee are due all glory, honor and worship to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. <br /><strong>—Orthodox liturgy</strong><br /><br />Angel of God, my holy guardian, given me by God to protect me, I pray thee earnestly; enlighten me this day; from all harm shield me; toward good advise me; and on the path of salvation guide me. <br /><strong>—Orthodox Lauds</strong><br /><br />O Holy Angel, that keepest guard over my despondent soul and passionate life, leave me not a sinner nor depart from me. <br /><strong>—Orthodox prayer to guardian angel<br /></strong><br />We who mystically represent the Cherubim, and sing to the life-giving Trinity the thrice-holy hymn, let us now lay aside all earthly cares that we may receive the King of Glory like a Conqueror upon a shield and spears, by His Angelic Hosts invisibly upborne, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. <br /><strong>—Cherubic Hymn (Orthodox)</strong> <br /><br />Angel, little angel mine, given me by God: I am small, you make me big, I am weak, you make me strong. <br /><strong>—Orthodox children’s prayer<br /></strong><br /><center><img alt="" border="0" src="/imgs/tout/story/angelbluedivider.jpg" /></center><br /><a name="muslim"></a>May the fasting break their fast in your home, and may the dutiful and pious eat your food, and may the angels send prayers upon you. <br /><strong>—Islam, prayer for breaking a fast</strong><br /><br /><center><img alt="" border="0" src="/imgs/tout/story/angelbluedivider.jpg" /></center><br /><a name="pope"></a>O holy Angel<br />who didst strengthen Jesus Christ our Lord, <br />come and strengthen us also; come and tarry not. <br /><strong>—Pope Pius X</strong><br /><br />Saint Michael, <br />first champion of the Kingship of Christ, pray for us. <br /><strong>—Pope Pius XI</strong><br /><br />O glorious Prince of the heavenly host, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the fearful warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come thou to the assistance of men, whom Almighty God created immortal, making them in His own image and likeness and redeeming them at a great price from the tyranny of Satan. Fight this day the battle of the Lord with the legions of holy Angels, even as of old thou didst fight against Lucifer, the leader of the proud spirits and all his rebel angels, who were powerless to stand against thee, neither was their place found any more in heaven…. Changing himself into an angel of light, he goes about with the whole multitude the wicked spirits to invade the earth and blot out Name of God and of His Christ, to plunder, to slay to consign to eternal damnation the souls that have destined for a crown of everlasting life….These enemies of mankind have filled to overflowing with and wormwood the Church, which is the Bride of Lamb without spot; they have laid profane hands up her most sacred treasures. Make haste, therefore, 0 invincible prince, to help the people of God against the inroads of the lost spirits and grant us the victory. Amen. <br /><strong>—Pope Leo XIII</strong><br /><br /> TEXT ENDS HERE --></li>