<strong>We're sorry, but this content is no longer available on Beliefnet. You may enjoy the following related articles:</strong><br><br> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/202/story_20202_1.html">Angels Around the Corner</a><br>By Colette Baron-Reid <br><br></li> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/202/story_20206_1.html">'Son, You Were Saved by Two Angels'</a><br>By Dr. David Jeremiah <br><br></li> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/194/story_19450_1.html">Healing Angels, Loud and Clear</a><br>By Doreen Virtue <br><br></li> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/188/story_18849_1.html">Getting to Know Your Spirit Guides</a><br>Interview with Sonia Choquette<br><br></li> <li><a href="http://www.beliefnet.com/story/191/story_19188_1.html">The Angelic Man in White</a><br>By Beliefnet Member, DansDancer<br><br><!-- TEXT BEGINS HERE One or two people in my family have had experiences that seemed to involve angelic intervention. When my grandmother was a young woman and working in a city far from home, she had to take the train by herself one night, and a nice gentleman was polite to her on the train, got off at her stop, and offered to walk her to her apartment. After they walked up the steps and she unlocked her door, she turned to say thank-you. But—yes, you've guessed it—no one was on the step with her. And from where she stood, with a clear view of the street, she saw no one departing down either side of it. *** Grandmother forgot about that incident until I wrote a little book about angels years ago and sent her a copy. When I went home for a visit, she told me her story. ***Years later, my husband was battling severe depression. He found a good therapist, but he was feeling so fragile at that time that he asked me to come along to his appointments. Dave, the therapist, agreed to this, and so I would accompany my husband and sit there silently during each session. I would listen, of course, but mainly I tried to pray. A good friend of mine suggested that I come up with concept that would help me, and then meditate on the image during Jim's therapy sessions. ***So at Jim's next appointment, I came up with something not very original. I imagined an angel standing behind my husband, hands clasped on Jim's shoulders while he talked with Dave. I sat there and closed my eyes and thought of this image; this was my prayer that evening. ***In a little while, though, the image took on a life of its own. It was as if my mind's eye had become a movie camera, and that camera abruptly backed up a few feet, and I saw that the angel was now standing behind my husband with arms raised, and with this angel, making a small circle around Jim, were four or five other angels, all with arms raised in petition to him. ***Then, just as suddenly, the camera backed up again, much further, and what I saw made my heart pound and my throat catch. There were <em>circles and circles and circles of angels</em> surrounding my husband, concentric circles numbering hundreds, thousands of angels. And all of them had arms raised, sending prayers heavenward for him. ***This vision was so overwhelming that my eyes flew open, and I began to cry silently, as the therapist and Jim continued to talk. When the session was ending, Dave said that I seemed to have been moved or upset by something. I related what had happened, and Dave, being very wise and himself a man of faith, said, "This is sacred, and I won't try to add anything by talking about it." ***I still cannot tell or write this story without weeping. That image—and I remember how golden and shining it was—helped me through a season that was frightening and full of pain. On that evening, within a few seconds, I had been given a glimpse of God's love, manifested in this overwhelming support of the heavenly hosts who, invisible though they are, remain with us through every battle, arms raised to God's great heavenly presence.*** TEXT ENDS HERE--></li>