"Yet some there be that by due steps aspire To lay their hands on that golden key That opens the palace of eternity." - John Milton (1608-74)
Our aspirations ennoble us. Setting our sights on distant goals of self-realization, creative self-expression or selfless service to others, we often think, quite appropriately, in terms of an upward movement—heavenwards. So long as we feel that angels are supporting our worthiest ambitions, we have two reasons to feel good about our prospects: first, because we know that angels are on our side, encouraging us; and second, because we know that every step forward and upward is giving divine pleasure.
— Keep an Angel Notebook —
Whether you have a particular goal (such as completing a course of study) or a general aspiration toward self-development, keeping an angel notebook will help you fulfill it.
Buy yourself a special diary or notebook—ideally, one that is a pleasure to handle. You might like to customize it to make it personal to your angel, or to your goal.
Before writing a word inside your new notebook, dedicate it to an angel and call on their help as you set out to achieve your ambition. This angel should be one whose attributes you find particularly inspiring, such as Machidiel, who stands for action, creativity, and controlled ambition; or Jophiel, whose chief attributes include illumination, inspiration, and wisdom.
Make a note in your notebook of the progress you are making toward achieving your goal, including any angel meditations you have followed and any insights gained from them. Take heart from the support you are receiving from your angel, in helping you through any difficult patches, and guiding you to being a more fulfilled and balanced person.