2016-06-30 2016-06-30
Q: Prior to my cousin's death, she told me that she had seen her angel. Might angels foretell our impending death?

A: We have received many reports from those who have seen angels days or weeks before their deaths, and the literature in the field contains hundreds of such accounts. According to the testimony of vast numbers of men and women, many individuals have also witnessed the appearance of angels at the bedside of a dying friend or relative.

We ourselves recently had that experience. Brad's brother-in-law was told by his doctors that he had several months to live, but it seems as if he received angelic messages preparing him for his death. Only days before an unexpected relapse this past April, he said that he was having vivid dreams of angels and was aware of angelic presences around him.

While the desire to hold onto life may have made him interpret these encounters as an uplifting sign, inspire him to plan specific exercises to strengthen his muscles, and acquire an electric wheelchair that would permit him greater mobility, he suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Family members were called and, throughout the day, they arrived from all parts of the country. Then the doctors informed the tearful circle in the hospital room that there was no hope of keeping him alive. Sherry sensed the moment and the family gathered around his bedside to pray for God to send His angels to surround us all in spiritual comfort and strength and to take the spirit of our beloved brother, father, husband "home."

All of us who so loved this man felt that we had participated in the most holy of moments: As he took his last breath, we palpably sensed his soul soaring to heaven on the wings of angels.

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