Q: I have been sick with a chronic illness for over a year and have turned to prayer for support. Are there special prayers that ask for physical and spiritual healing?

A: Preprogrammed prayers are never as effective as those that come directly from the heart and soul. Years ago, we were impressed with these lines: "Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, unuttered or expressed. The motion of a hidden fire that trembles in the breast." And we try never to forget the admonition of St. Paul: "Pray without ceasing!" You know your pain, problem, and personal situation better than anyone else, so cry out to God and ask that His/Her will be done and that you be healed as evidence of everlasting Divine Love.

Q:I am desperately trying to sell a home, and my mother told me of a saint that watches over our homes. She told me to put a statue of the holy figure in our front yard, and it would help to sell our house. I can't remember if she said it was St. Christopher or Saint Francis. Can you help me?

A: We have heard that many people selling their homes have claimed great success after they buried or placed a statue of St. Joseph in their yards. While some individuals consider such efforts mere superstition, perhaps such a personal ritual enables the sellers to focus positive and prayerful energy toward their goal.

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