As the authors of several angel books and frequent guests on radio talk shows, the Steigers receive dozens of letters from men and women who share accounts of angelic interactions. If you'd like to ask a question, e-mail them at columnists@staff.beliefnet.com. Please put "Steigers" on the subject line.

Q: Am I utterly cursed? An Angel of Light was sent to me 21 years ago and forbade me to deal with the element with which I was becoming involved. I never forgot the message, but I didn't believe it. Later, I had an encounter with an angel from the dark side, and today I am in financial ruin and in emotional purgatory. Can anything be done to thwart the ill effects of encounters with dark angels? Have I been forsaken by God? Will God ever forgive me?

A: If it weren't for the scriptural promise that God loves a contrite heart, who among us could hope for release from the entanglements in which we have become ensnared while traveling our earth path? Many of us have at one time or another believed we could boldly walk where angels feared to tread and have come to pay dearly for our ignoring the warnings issued by our own guiding angels of light. We can say with great confidence that forgiveness is found by approaching God on bended knee with penitent heart. No dark-side curse can withstand the full force of God's love and light.

Here is a prayer of protection that you may use whenever you sense the presence of that dark angel who has caused you so much anguish:

O beloved [say here the name of your angelic guardian or a revered holy figure], send your protective energies of light and love around me at once.

Erect a mighty shield of love and light around me that is invincible, all powerful, and unable to be penetrated by an evil force.

Keep me protected from all things that are not of the Light or of God.

Keep me immune from all negative and hostile beings, from all seductive and deceitful entities. Banish at once the dark spirit that I see [feel] near me. Amen.
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