A Better Me


As the world finds its footing post-pandemic, many industries will be looking for professionals with specialized training to provide the care and support that we’ll all need. Employers in healthcare and education will be looking for better ways to connect with their patients/students, while businesses will need employees with advanced technical and management skills. Read on to see what jobs will be in high demand as employers shift their focus to the future.


As the COVID burden eases, nurses will still be in high demand to care for the aging Baby Boomer population. A degree in nursing allows for a wide range of job opportunities, from hospital staff to home healthcare workers. Nurses are also taking on more responsibility in local clinics and as virtual contacts for those patients who like the comfort of receiving care from home. If you’re interested in a particular specialty (such as rehabilitation, obstetrics, diet & nutrition, etc.), be sure to search for degree programs that allow you to train in your field of interest!

Digital Learning Support

This year is making one thing clear: an increased need for specialized training in digital/remote learning for teachers and group leaders. Children and adults are taking advantage of remote learning opportunities now, and that trend is likely to continue even once in-person services return to normal. Classes, conferences, religious study groups -- all of these educational opportunities will continue virtually, and their leaders will look for support to develop age and content-appropriate curriculum that uses technology to its fullest. Consider getting a degree in your desired field (education, leadership, ministry, etc.) and then supplement it with training on digital tools and approaches.

Virtual Business Management

As more and more companies decide to operate at least partially online, businesses will seek managers who understand the complex financial and interpersonal realities of operating virtually. These managers will need to understand information security, human resource considerations, and new models for service operations. A degree in Business Administration can lay the foundation for these high-demand skills, but make sure to choose courses and internship opportunities that allow for development in virtual tools.

Healthcare – Patient Support

With a renewed focus on wellness and preventative care post-COVID, many patients will be using multiple doctors, clinics, and specialists all at once, and these patients will need an advocate to help them navigate these services (as well as help with the emotional toll that it can take). If you’re looking for a healthcare career that values people-skills the most, this path could be right for you! Patient support roles can be filled by those with degrees in social work, counseling, religious studies -- anything that gives you training for supporting individuals and communities during difficult and complex times.

Software/App Development

Living and working during a pandemic has proven that a lot can be accomplished online! As employees and consumers develop new routines in the years to come, many businesses will continue to offer some services online. Retailers that scrambled to offer online ordering through their websites may want to invest resources into developing a more robust, permanent app. Government programs may be looking for innovative ways to distribute their in-person resources, requiring new apps and tools to take care of some tasks. If you have a degree in business or criminal justice, your industry-specific knowledge can help you develop tools that address the most pressing needs. Training in app and software development (through many online certificate programs or paid courses) can be a worthwhile addition to your industry expertise.

In a post-pandemic world, the need for trained professionals to help us stay healthy and connected will only increase. Start training today in order to seize the opportunities these jobs will provide in the near future!

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