2025-02-13 2025-02-13

We have heard all of it before. From Bible scriptures to church sermons, we are told to let God have the ultimate control over our lives. While this seems amazing in theory, it can be incredibly difficult to do.

We have scary events start popping up in life and we want to panic and scramble to fix everything. However we do so without ever consulting God first. What does He really want us to do?

Here are reasons to remind you why you should let God take control of your life, even in those moments you want to maintain the power.

God is trustworthy.

Learning to trust God fully is a lifelong process. We have to choose to trust in Him, much like we have to choose to give up control. We need to learn to let go and stop trying to figure out the “whys” of life, which is easier to do when we realized that God understands more about our life than we ever could. Write out a list of all the reasons you trust God, and include the ways that he’s carried you when you needed Him the most.

God promises to always be by your side.

When we struggle to give up control, it’s usually out of fear of the unknown. We don’t want to face whatever is in front of us blindly. However God has promised that He will always walk beside you, no matter what circumstances you face in life. You will never venture into your future alone because God always promises to be there for you. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

God already has your problem solved.

Often we don’t want to relinquish control of our lives because we think we already have all the answers. What we think is a perfect solution, though, might be completely wrong. God has the problems of your life already solved, and knows not just why you are going through what you are but the purpose of it. It's possible the problem still exists in your life because He's working on something inside you right now, and then He'll take care of the exterior situation later.

God is consistent.

While our friends and family try to help us when we are struggling, they aren’t always going to give us the perfect advice. We also won’t always be able to help ourselves the way we want to. God, however, is always going to show up. He’s always going to be there with the perfect advice, at the perfect time, with the perfect answers. He is consistently on our side, trying to push us in the right direction. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15), is “the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

God doesn’t make mistakes.

Humans are prone to make mistakes, mismanage and misunderstand everything we face. We simply are fully capable of making an even greater mess of things. However Deuteronomy 32:4 says "His works are perfect, and all His ways are just." That means God doesn't get it wrong, ever. God simply can’t make the mistakes that we do! When we trust in Him and give Him control, we know that He will guide us down the right path.

Your problems didn’t take God by surprise.

Were you up in arms when you realized the problems your life through at you? God wasn’t! God actually knew what things were headed your way, and already was coming up with plans to help get you through them. Psalm 139 tells us that God is familiar with all our ways - where we've been, what we're doing now, and where we're going. Exercise true faith in Him by being assured and convinced that God is in absolute control.

God is on your side and He is worthy of our trust. That means giving Him full control of our lives, because He knows exactly what He is doing. He has proven Himself and He wants to guide you on the right path, but can only do so if you let Him.

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