
Pray for employment, money, financial healing and more. Use these tips to help yourself and others through the financial crisis and beyond.

By Deborah Price

I am a big believer in the power of prayer and with all that is happening in the world around us, I invite you to join me in praying for prosperity and well-being.

To pray powerfully you must commit to a daily, heartfelt prayer practice, and be willing to pray alone, for others, with others, and even for strangers. The world desperately needs all of our prayers, now more than ever. With the constant, incessant roar of our collective prayers, we can all help heal the world and this country in this time of great need.

Read the first tip for praying for prosperity.

Financial crisis blogger Deborah Price is devoted to offering hope and support during these difficult times. Visit her blog, Your Daily Spiritual Stimulus.


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