
Try Creative Journal Writing

Write your way to a more engaged and creative life. All you need is a small commitment of time, a pen, a notebook and an open mind.

By Stephanie Dowrick

Journal writing is one of the most accessible yet powerful tools we have for self-knowledge. What's more, it has brilliant ripple effects over your whole life. Writing something down can clear space in your mind and heart. It lets you refine your thinking and offers tremendous relief from confusion or turmoil. It is also creative and gives you a chance to observe life through new eyes. Start journaling today--your spirits will rise and life itself will become far more interesting.

Read the first tip on saying good-bye to the inner critic.

Adapted from Creative Journal Writing (Tarcher/Penguin, 2009) by Stephanie Dowrick, Ph.D. For more information, visit Stephaniedowrick.com.

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