
By Noah benShea

Difficult financial times often inspire people to become more extraordinary. Challenge and adversity can push people toward their own greatness. It can launch you on a deeper personal journey toward happiness, fulfillment, and a life of meaning. As you explore ways to gather strength and improve self-esteem, remember, it is not so much about what you have but who you are. May these tips inspire you. May you go from strength to strength and be a source of strength to others.

See the first inspiring thought

Poet-philosopher Noah benShea is author of The Journey to Greatness and How to Get There (Corwin Press, 2009). A Pulitzer Prize nominee,  he has also been quoted on 30 million Starbucks coffee cups .Visit him at  www.NoahbenShea.com.

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This world that we live in is packed full of God's miracles that we might take for granted. If you really pause to ponder about how magnificient His creation is, you will find yourself in awe and amazement. Read next feature >
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