2022-06-06 2022-06-06

Our nation's 16th president will always be known for altering American history forever when he abolished slavery. He signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, toward the end of the Civil War, and helped pass the 13th Amendment which legally ended slavery in the United States. These quotes are great to read as we celebrate Juneteenth as an American Independence Day.

Lincoln was known for being fair, outspoken, and a prolific writer--and as of the world's most eloquent, rousing orators.

Click for Abraham Lincoln's inspiring quotes on freedom, faith, and the nation.

5 Everyday Miracles That Prove God Exists
This world that we live in is packed full of God's miracles that we might take for granted. If you really pause to ponder about how magnificient His creation is, you will find yourself in awe and amazement. Read next feature >
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