2016-06-08 2016-06-08

Beliefnet readers share anecdotes and photos of their furry best friends.

Barnyard animals take center stage in "Charlotte's Web," a story about an unlikely friendship between a pig and a spider. Pets often hold a special place in our hearts as loving companions, best friends, and even lifesavers. Click below to open a gallery of amazing true stories about Beliefnet readers' favorite animal companions.

For more inspiration from animals, find out what Dakota Fanning, Steve Buscemi, and other stars of "Charlotte's Web" learned from their first pets and visit our "Charlotte's Web" page for quizzes, movie clips, and more.

Inspirational Pets

Pets often hold a special place in the hearts of their owners as loving companions, best friends, and sometimes even lifesavers. We asked Beliefnet readers to tell us why their pets were so special, and the responses were overwhelming. From Charlie the collie who "melts negative energy," to Sheena the shepherd who saved a toddler from a rattlesnake, to Casey the cat who attends weddings, these amazing pets will warm your heart.

'He Helped Me Sing Again'

"[My dog Thor] helped me to sing and dance again, get outside and back to my country-girl roots where I've rediscovered my love of photography and writing. When I was filled with self-doubt and insecurities, he would sit up on the couch next to me and look me straight in the eyes as if to say. 'Hey there! I know you, and I love you.' I only need to look at him, into his sweet, loving eyes, to be reminded that there is a God (or some higher power) watching out for all of us who sent this darling creature to me… and I'll bet that divine being has a pet too." —Sandra M

The Fighting Has Stopped

"My husband was trucking for a few years and was away a lot… I was alone quite a bit and when we were together, we would fight. One day I saw this ad about a Maltese for sale… We named her Angel. She is pure white as an angel. She has brought so much joy to the two of us. I had her to keep me company and when my husband came home she was there to meet him at the door. The fighting has stopped and we have so much fun with Angel. My husband said the other day that he could never imagine loving a dog so much." —Anne-Marie L.

The Church Kitten

"[Casey Marie] has sat in on a great number of prayer meetings, listened to many sermons being practiced, and even attended a couple of weddings. … For a time she was our 'church kitten,' greeting everyone who came to visit and investigating every activity." —Sharla H.

'I'm in the Same Spot She Is'

"Fluffy is six years old and she has health problems… I too have many medical ailments of my own, and coincidentally, they are very similar to Fluffy's. She has shown me that having medical problems isn't the end of the world. I love her just as much. That made me realize that I am in the exact same spot as she is. No matter what I may face due to my health, people around me--friends and family as well as Jesus--love me just the same." —Athenia P.

'He Brought Light Back Into My Life'

"I found out I was pregnant with twins. …Three months into my pregnancy I miscarried one child, the next lost the following week. Heartbroken, I saw no reason to live. I could not believe my body could hold so many tears. It was then that we adopted a Rottweiler puppy whom we named 'Kurgan.' I fell in love with this little man and he brought a light back into my life that I thought had gone out after losing my twins. …he was born on October 18, the night I miscarried my second child. He truly is my baby." —Lisa P.

A Love Sponge

"I often think of Charlie as angelic because he is such a love sponge. If ever there are negative issues or voices being displayed within the family, he is the first to literally come between people to separate them as if to say, 'This isn't the way to love each other!' And when I feel blue, I often will go hug Charlie. His fur is so thick, it almost acts like a place where all negative energies are absorbed and melted away!" —Dinah K.

Heaven Spelled Backwards

"My kitty Nevaeh (Heaven spelled backwards) is a super big blessing to me! I found her online after I was done mourning the loss of my Persian cat Tatty, who I had for 9 years. I thought I would never again get another cat. I didn't want to every feel that pain of losing one again. Nonetheless, I changed my mind. …She has helped me through some of the worst, toughest moments that I have been through. Although she can be somewhat bratty, I know that God had a hand in putting us together." —Melanie C.

'She Saved My Kids'

"My first child, Olivia, was 18 months old and toddling around the yard. All of a sudden [our dog] Sheena started barking ferociously and started knocking Olivia down. This was very strange behavior for Sheena…. Sheena had put herself between Olivia and a copperhead snake and was trying to keep her safe…. When [my son] Morgan was about 2 years old, he wandered out to the road. Sheena was on duty. She immediately went out to the road, took Morgan's clothes in her mouth and dragged him back into the yard, all before I could even make it to the road. This is twice that she has saved my kids." —Sherry H.

'She Channels Away My Pain'

"When I am in deep despair [my cat Raven] lies in my lap or on my legs as if to draw away the pain like a poultice. I only hope that she is acting as a conduit to channel away the pain and keeps none of it. She is gifted and a blessing to me and others who know her." —Mark H.

A Reminder of God's Love

"Her temperament is so gentle and loving that she automatically attracts love from all she comes in contact with. I desire to adore God as Daisy adores me. She is always 'smiling' and enthralled when hears even my presence where she is located. The forgiveness my pet renders is reflective of the forgiveness God gives to me and all others." —David W.

'I Almost Lost My Son'

"I had just had my second child, a baby boy named Daniel. I laid him in his crib for the night and I too retired. In the middle of the night, my cat Peeper came into my room and jumped on the bed, meowing loudly and walking on me. When I sat up she ran to the bedroom door, still meowing and acting strange. She led me to my son's room. When I touched Daniel he took a loud gasping breath. I believe I almost lost my son to SIDS that night." —Donna C.

A Chaplain's Angel

"Fantasia became our angel. I have always said that my pets are my angels. In my most troubling times God has always found a way of blessing me with a pet in need. 'Fan' needed us and I needed her." —Terri Z., chaplain

'He Makes Us Smile'

"We love Picasso and Tomasa the dog, they love each other very much. We think that Picasso is a pet angel, since he makes us smile and gather around him all the time." —Anna R.

Sensing Danger

"One day I was walking my dog Candy on our usual route when all of a sudden she stopped and refused to continue forward. She insisted on turning around. My friend was with me walking her chow. Her dog seemed fine. I told my friend that I was turning around, but Candy refused to budge until my friend also turned around and came with us. Then Candy was happy. Later I found out there had been trouble on our route shortly after we turned around." —Marjorie M.

'God Sent Her to Me'

"The main reason that I feel my cat Lisa-Dora is a blessing is this: she was born on April 27th! I knew this was God sending her to me as my angel since my husband had left this earth the day before. She has been a blessing in my life ever since! She knows when I need her to be near or just let me snuggle and hug her." —Linda D.

Sparking a Connection

"I went through a divorce and Sparky was there for me. He would snuggle close by my side and would look into my eyes with his big brown eyes. There was a connection with our hearts… a connection that only the Lord could understand. When he hurt, I felt it, and when I hurt, he seemed to sense my pain. …Only the Lord could do something so wonderful using his creation of Sparky." —Sandy

A Saint of a Dog

"This is my little pet wheaten terrier. She is eight years old and the sweetest thing on earth. Her name is Jude named after St. Jude. I live alone and without Jude my life would be so lonely." —Joan D.

'My Guardian Angel'

"In 1997, my drug use turned into what I deemed the end of my life. I was the junkie I never wanted to be. After my decision to pursue this incredibly stupid lifestyle, I overdosed. All I could remember was waking up gasping for air. Next to me sat my cat Jackson, staring in my eyes. I believe if it wasn't for Jackson's gentle lick on my nose, I wouldn't be here today. Our bond from that day forward has become one forged in steel. He is my best friend, and my support through life's trying times! My guardian angel for life!" —Angela A.

Lucy's Prayers

"Lucy is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Lucy has been by my side for some of the worst moments in my life. She has lain by me when I was ill, always making sure that I was OK. She is a wonderful, loving animal, who I believe is grateful to me that I saved her from where she lived when she was a puppy. …We say 'Lucy's prayers' every night before we fall asleep." —Kelle C.

'She Fills Lonely Times'

"My only daughter was tragically killed in an automobile accident two days before she was to leave for college. I still struggle and cry every day although it has been 426 days since she died. This is truly a test of the human spirit. …My sister gave me Maddie as an early Christmas present. I wasn't sure what I was going to name her. I remembered I read in my daughter's diaries she left me that she was going to name her first girl Madeline; hence, my bichon's name. Maddie has stayed by my side, when I cry she will come and lick my face until the tears stop flowing. She has filled more lonely times than any member of my family could ever have." —Jamie P.

A Friend in Need

"My dog Luke has been there for me through my hardest trials. He is my loving support. He comforts the elderly. I always tell him that Jesus sent him to me, and that he is my angel from God." --—Rick A.

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