We asked, you answered. What was the happiest day of your life? What happened to you on that special day? Here are some of the responses we received to one of our latest Inspiration Questions of the Week. Read on and then click here to post your own fond memories.

My Dream Job

The happiest day in my life was when I got my first job working in Yellowstone National Park. I thought I had gone to Heaven.

The Births of My Children

The happiest days of my life were the days I brought my children into the world. That is when my life began. It had complete meaning for the first time. Then when I thought I could never love someone with every cell in me, my son was born, and again I was reminded why God gave me life. There is no exact explanation you can identify, but it is amazing.

A Renewal of Love

The day my sons walked me to the chuppah to again swear my love for their father on our 25th anniversary.

Stopped Thinking, Started Being

The happiest day of my life was when I stopped thinking about being happy—and just WAS!

Crossing the Finish Line

The happiest day of my life was when I crossed the finish line after running 26.2 miles at the Honolulu Marathon. [We] never know what we are capable of doing…until we try. (And, of course, the day I met my husband but nothing beats that feeling of crossing the finish line!)

A Love That Grows

The day I married my husband over 28 years ago. We've had great joy and tremendous sorrow throughout these years. And I love him more each year.

Living to See My Daughter Graduate

My happiest day was this past Thursday. I was here to see my youngest child, now a young lady of 18, graduate from high school and receive her diploma, Almost one year ago I was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer--I am now terminal.

After graduation we had a party at a local restaurant and as I looked around at my family and friends, I praised God that he granted my wish to be present on this day. There may be other important dates I miss--her wedding, graduation from college, the birth of her children- but I am thankful to have had that one perfect day.

A Dance With My Dad 

The happiest day of my life, by far, is the first dance I ever had with my dad. We danced to "Wind Beneath My Wings" which I had dedicated to him. It was the most amazing experience. He whispered in my ear, "I love this song." My father has since passed and I can't help but cry every time I hear that song. It will forever be etched in my heart, my mind, and my soul.

Dad, I miss you everyday. You will always be my HERO. No one could ever walk in your shoes. No one could ever bring me joy the way that you have. You have touched my life in a way no words could ever express. You are my greatest inspiration, and it is in the legacy that you have left behind for me, that I continue to grow. I know that you are on an endless journey of greatness. I love you and will forever be in awe by your energy and spirit. You spirit lives with me, and I shall live to make you proud of me.

Adopting Matthew

The happiest day in my life (so far) was when I met my adopted son Matthew for the very first time. From the very first second that I saw him, I knew that he was going to be the child I would adopt and love and raise to be my own. Unfortunately, he was severely emotionally disabled as a result of coming from a long history of abuse and neglect. He had just turned nine when I saw him for the first time. He moved in with me one week later and the adoption was finalized 9 months after that. He has been with me for almost six years now and my life has been incredible since!

A Remembrance of Life

My happiest and saddest days were around the same time, but they taught me to live and not shrink back from my dreams. When I was 7 months pregnant with my only son, my 23-year-old brother, and idol, passed away in his sleep. I will always treasure the day on the phone when I told him I was going to name my child after him if it was a boy. Three days after the funeral I had an ultrasound and found out that my brother's name would live on. My boy is now almost 2 and it has been two years since my brother's passing. As long as my son is alive and well, my happiest day from his birth on will never end. I know that sometimes we lose the ones we love, but we had the great pleasure of loving them and knowing them.

A Heart Finds a Home

When I was 49 years old I had the happiest day of my life after I woke up from a heart transplant operation and [the doctors] told me," the heart was working fine in its new home." Then I got to meet my new grandson Adam who had been born a few weeks earlier.

For a complete story on JanAngelHeart's heart transplant, click here.

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