2016-06-30 2016-06-30
"Are there really miracles?" Yes, of course, there are. All of us have heard of miracles in the form of physical healings that cannot be explained by medical science. There are also miracles when the perfect solution presents itself at just the right time. There are miracles when some action taken by a person puts him or her in just the right place and results in a greater good than ever seemed possible. There are miracles in finding the perfect job, the perfect mate, and/or money when it's most needed.

Miracles happen through natural and normal circumstances, and the "new science" of quantum physics is proving that we are--every one of us--already wired for miracles. The reality is that every one of us can consciously take control and work to create a miracle or miracles in our lives. We are not victims of a random existence in a confusing and possibly hostile world. Life is for us, not against us. Not only is it possible to experience a dramatic healing or find the perfect solution to our problems, but it's also possible to express the dream or desire that we haven't dared pursue up to now and to learn how to bring such wonderful experiences into our lives more often.

To help get you started on the path of creating your own miracle, here are eight simple steps...

Be very clear.

You need to be very clear about the miracle you desire - about the good you want in your world. As you clearly visualize or imagine your miracle, focus only on the end result of what you want, not the means by which it comes about. Let the "how" be up to the Infinite Intelligence that's working for you in response to your thinking.

Expect the best.

We tend to attract that which we love, fear, or steadily expect. So expect the best, even when negative circumstances appear--in fact, especially when they appear. When we expect less than what we want, we get less than what we want. Remind yourself that you do deserve the good you desire. You deserve it by the right of your very existence. Consciously and consistently expect that everything is working to your greatest and highest good.

Let go of fear.

Fear is faith in something negative. Be watchful about your thinking. Your thoughts magnetically attract others like themselves. When you think negatively, your mind will go on a stream-of-consciousness journey into all sorts of related realms of negativity until you consciously stop yourself. All of this will block your miracle. Of course, you can't eliminate every single negative thought for the rest of your life. But all you need is 51% faith and your life will begin to turn in the right direction. When you realize this truth, you will begin to feel empowered, and your faith will become more and more self-generating.

Open your mind to all possibilities.

When we open to a greater flow of Universal Power and Intelligence in our world, we also need to let go of the way we want it. Although miracles always unfold in a very natural manner, they often come through unexpected channels. Whenever we hold tight, mentally or physically, to having things unfold "our way," we run the risk of delaying our good, diminishing it or even blocking it all together. "What" is up to you. "How" is up to Spirit.

See yourself as you want to be.

If you desire health, you need to see yourself healthy and filled with energy and enthusiasm for life. If you desire abundance, you need to see yourself enjoying an abundant lifestyle. And so forth. This does not mean living in a state of denial. On the contrary, you are clear about the facts of your present situation and handle what needs to be handled. But while you are doing all of this, your thinking about where you are headed is focused on what you want, not on what you don't want or where you are today.

Keep the power.

Don't talk about it. Keep your miracle secret. To share it prematurely is to dissipate some of the Power of your idea. Further, a negative or envious person will contribute a certain amount of negative energy, either spoken or unspoken, around your idea. The integrity of the relationship between you and Spirit with respect to the unfoldment of your miracle must not be violated. Wait until it is absolutely necessary to share your idea in order for it to continue unfolding. Even then, share as little as possible with as few people as possible.

Do what needs to be done by you.

Through the Law of Attraction, many good things move into our lives, apparently unbidden. But almost always, there are things that you need to do and choices you need to make. When you are very clear about what it is you want or need, your mind becomes calm and focused. This, in turn, provides a clear channel for the guidance and direction you need in making your choices and decisions about what to do--whether it's choosing the right doctor or taking the right job.

Pray. Pray often. Prayer works.

Prayer is effective whether we're praying for ourselves, praying for others, or being prayed for by others. You don't have to be religious for your prayers to be effective. A few suggestions:
  • Pray at a time and in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.
  • Allow yourself to feel empathy, love, and compassion for yourself or for whomever you are praying.
  • Pray with a complete expectation that your prayer is being answered and that the desired result is right now in the process of manifestation.
After you pray, "let go and let God." At that point, your job in the creative process is complete. Your continuing work is to guard your thinking. Creatively praying several times a day is a major key to success in obtaining your desires.

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