On a planet populated with dream-killers, you must shelter yourself with the help of dream-livers, those kindred spirits who will support you in your desire to grow and assist in keeping your dreams from getting ground in the dust.

The common thread that weaves through people who have achieved any measure of success is that they have had the inspiration, help, and input of supportive others.

By way of example, we're sure there are many of you who park yourselves in front of the tube to watch the seemingly endless stream of awful award shows. No harm. A sinful admission: At times, we do it too. Notice how winners at their big moment use their acceptance speeches to tick off a very long list of thank-yous to those whose help had been for them a deliverance? Now there's a reason why they always, always make a point of doing this, and here it is:

They didn't get there on their own.

They don't just think this. They know it. In their dark nights, away from the adulation and the entourage, when their head hits the pillow and they're staring up at the ceiling in sleepless overdrive, in the corner of their heart that is still genuine, they keep the knowing of all the help that they received to get them to become darlings of the day. The true ones do.

They know that they didn't get there on their own. No one does. Which is why we want you forever forward to remember the following: When it comes to empowering our dreams, more than anything else, we all need all the help we can get, and we all need it, every step of the way.

The point is simply to emphasize, and emphasize again, how important it is for you to surround yourself with the genuine head nodding of supportive someones, those miracle-makers who also live in a world where persistence overcomes resistance.

Stay away from those who say they are behind you all the way. Get with those who will stand next to you and help you face the fire. Do everything you can to attach yourself to nurturing, affirming people who have a positive mind and provide a positive push, who in good times and bad believe in your talents, passions, and dreams, having no doubt that you will one day WOW-ify the world with your accomplishments.

Treat them with kindness unending for their advice and solace as you undertake the vow. Because as you journey through your years, they will be the anchors that will make a glorious difference in your life.

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