Last year at this time, people of all faiths were united in prayer for the safe return of our son. A few weeks later, the world learned of his murder and mourned collectively. This year we will observe the one-year anniversary of his death in ways that remember and honor Daniel as a Jew, a citizen of the world, and a dialogue-maker.

We believe readers of Beliefnet would be interested to know about an interfaith project that is planned for the first anniversary of Daniel's death on February 21, 2003. The project aims at turning this date into a day of alliance between Jews, Christians and moderate Muslims.

We invite you, our larger family of friends and people of goodwill the world over, to engage your own local congregations and communities to include a somewhat unique memorial service in remembrance of Daniel, by inviting people of all faiths, including members of neighborhood churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples, to participate in a united prayer for a sane and humane world.

We are convinced that we will all be strengthened when people of courage stand together in solidarity against terrorism, racism, and the anti-Semitism that took our son's life. We hope that by bringing together people of different beliefs, building trust, and uniting them in a common stand for sanity and humanity, our son's life and his untimely death will make a difference.

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