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To Light One Candle
A different kind of firefighter hero.

The New American Hero
by Rabbi Schmuley Boteach

Would you have said, "Sorry, Wrong Number?"

I Was There
Tom Veres writes about his work with Raoul Wallenberg

Angels in the Classroom
A madman held the town's children hostage. Who could possibly save them?

Walking the Burning Ground
An Army chaplain ministers to soldiers battling Montana's wildfires.
By Betsy Cohen

In the Midst of War...The Dance Goes On
An amazing woman holds life together in war-torn Somalia.

Cradled by Strangers
How a heartbreaking image on the evening news changed one woman's life forever
By Holly G. Miller.

The Courage to Live
How one teen took his private struggle against depression and suicide public to help others.

It Starts With Me
"I keep meeting suffering kids and I can't do anything to help them."
by Craig Kielburger

Driving Blind
"You're my eyes. I can't see. We have to get mommy some help."
by Robert Macy

The Brittany Miller Foundation
Helping Families Deal With Cancer
by Rainikka Corprew 05/24/2000

Hans and Ivan Hageman Return Home to Buck the Odds
An 11-month school year? Three hours of homework per night? No TV? Why are kids flocking to this school?

An Act of Love That Shook Two Nations
A Palestinian father gives his life to save a Jewish child.
By David Waters

A Manatee Called Moose
A vet finds his calling rescuing God's creatures.
By Deke Beusse

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