2016-06-30 2016-06-30
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Good Books

You've Gotta Break a Few Eggs
In an excerpt from her new book, Rachel Remen wonders if children aren't naturally inclined towards service.
By Rachel Naomi Remen

Immy's Medal
Immy was very sick. The risks were considerable. Who has time to worry about a little pin?
By Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.

They'll Be Fine
So you think you've had a hard time with back-to-school shopping?
By Patsy Hughes

There Are No Accidents
Sometimes it's good to be in the wrong place at the right time.
By Robert H. Hopcke

One Thin Dime
Our parents were sorry, but it looked like we had to leave college and come home
By Patricia S. Laye

Mom's Last Laugh
Sometimes, in life's most difficult moments, happiness catches us by surprise.
by Robin Lee Shope

A Perfect Mistake
Grandpa felt God played a trick on him, and Grandpa wasn't laughing
Cheryl Walterman Stewart

A Heaven-Sent Boss from Hell
Sometimes the mentors God puts in your path aren't at all what you expected.
By Maria Shriver

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