Those scientists are at it again. This time, they claim a happy breakthrough: for the first time, they have discovered a food that not only slows the effects of aging, but actually reverses these effects.

And this miracle food? Blueberries!

In lab tests, groups of older rats were given cognitive and co-ordination tests, then broken into groups including those given normal food and those given supplements, including strawberry, spinach and blueberries, all foods known to contain anti-oxidents, which nutritionists already believe help slow the effects of aging.

Both the strawberry and spinach-dining rats' aging processes slowed compared to the control group. But what the scientists hadn't expected was that the group given the blueberry supplements actually regained cognitive and co-ordination abilities they'd formerly lost with age.

Whether this will help people that aren't rats remains to be seen. But in the meantime, blueberry pancakes, anyone?

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