Pillars of the Church
"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong." —1 Corinthians 16:13
In the Cathedral of St. Mark, in Venice—a marvelous building, lustrous with an Oriental splendor far beyond description—there are pillars said to have been brought from Solomon’s Temple; these are of alabaster, a substance firm and durable as granite, and yet transparent, so that the light glows through them.
Behold an emblem of what all true pillars of the Church should be—firm in their faith, and transparent in their character; men of simple mold, ignorant of tortuous and deceptive ways, and yet men of strong will, not readily to be led aside, or bent from their uprightness! A few such alabaster men we know; may the great Master Builder place more of them in His temple!
—Adapted from The Sword and Trowel: 1867 by C. H. Spurgeon, available from Logos Bible Software.