
... who forwarded them to everybody!

Ah, come on, admit it -- you look forward to checking on Facebook to see what funny animal photos your friends have posted today.

Here are some of the best we've received not only from Facebook but from some of our favorite relatives who enjoy forwarding these inspirational snapshots -- and occasional captions.



That loving hug


Who's slow? 

Couch potato

A cat with an attitude? 

Dumb dawgs!

Pizza kitty?

If they can do it, why can't our world leaders?

That'll show ya!

Silly pup!


Feels so good!

Kung-fu kitty!


Pigeon power!

Are you sure he didn't say "yogurt?"

Take that!


Those durn felines!

Boxer vigilance

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The Bible is full of wonderful assurance to those of us whose hearts are broken. Read next feature >
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