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Faith really has the power to heal.

In 2002, a then 14-yearold Elizabeth Smart was abducted from her home in the middle of the night. She spent the next nine months starved, chained and raped on a daily basis. All she had to cling onto was her faith.

"I grew up in a family that instilled a very strong sense of faith in me,” said Smart. “During the next nine months of my kidnapping, I had no idea just how much I would have to rely upon that faith."

Broken and shattered, she held onto memories of her family and God. If it hadn’t been for her faith, she may not be here today.

"…It was that faith and that knowledge in God that He would always love me that helped me survive the next nine months and it continues to help me survive to this day," said Smart.

Hear her powerful testimony in the video above.

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