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Each year, families spend hundreds of dollars picking out the best Christmas gifts to give each other. We scour the internet for the best deals and latest gadgets so that we can give our friends the best presents we can find. But while we are busy planning, shopping, wrapping, and sending gifts – God is too.

There are gifts from Christ that every Christian can be open to receiving all year round. No matter what is or is not under your Christmas tree this year, you can take comfort in knowing that God offers you lifelong gifts that are more fulfilling than anything we could have ever bought ourselves. Each gift comes specially wrapped in love – all you have to do is ask! Revelation 22:17 says “The Holy Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And the person who hears should say, ‘Come!’ Anyone who is thirsty should come. Anyone who wants to take the free gift of the water of life should do so.” Here are the six gifts that God has for you to open this Christmas season.

The Gift of Eternal Life

John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him might not perish, but have eternal life.” We worship a Lord that never leave us. He wants a relationship with us both in this life and beyond. God sacrificed Christ so that we could be redeemed and have eternal life with Him. Through this sacrifice, we are blessed with the promise of heaven through faith in Jesus. John 5:24 echoes this statement, saying "I am telling you the truth: those who hear my words and believe in Him who sent me have eternal life. They will not be judged, but have already passed from death to life."

The Gift of Peace

John 14:27 shares with us the promise of God's gift of peace. The scripture reads "Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid." This is reinforced in Psalm 37:11 that says “But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” God never promises us that life will be easy and only full of sunshine and rainbows. However He does promise to be our support system. When we cast our worldly anxieties and stresses onto Him, we are overfilled with a feeling of peace, calm, and gratefulness.

The Gift of Hope

If you watch the news a lot, you might feel scared or frustrated with the secular world. Power corrupting organizations, money hungry politicians, and fighting and wars are all heartbreaking to see. This is only compounded when we experience loss or struggles in our own lives. God, though, never wants us to lose hope during these times. He says in Psalm 126:5 “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy”. Jesus tells us that no matter how dire the situation may be, we serve a God who specializes in bringing beauty out of the ashes. Jeremiah 17:7 continues this theme by saying “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord." When all else seems lost, God can swoop down and lift us up again. He wants us to hope for a better future knowing He is by our side. With Him, all things are possible.

The Gift of Forgiveness

Eternal life in heaven is something all Christians can look forward to, but in order to get there we have to ask God for forgiveness of our sins. Acts 2:38 says, "Peter replied, 'Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'" You probably know how hard it is to forgive someone for doing you wrong. Think of how easily God is able to forgive millions of His children, showing them each love, compassion, and understanding? It is truly humbling to think about! We are reminded of His forgiveness in 1 John 1:9 which says “God will forgive you even when you have sinned against Him.” This Christmas, take 10 minutes to sit down with God and ask for Him to cleanse you of wrongdoing. When you repent, you are renewed.

The Gift of Direction

God wants us to live a life where our talents are used to serve His greater good. In Jeremiah 29:11 it says "'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" God's plan for our lives is greater than one we could ever plan for yourself. Following His plan blindly might feel scary. Obedience often requires faith and risk, but God will delight in your dependence on Him and alwas be there to support you. We must be willing to trust the Creator and step out, taking His hand by faith. When we do so, He will lead us to bigger things planned. Do not lean on your own understanding, because God has direction for our lives.

This Christmas, do not focus only on the material gifts you will be exchanging with your friends and family. Also look upward at God, and prepare yourself for the wonderful gifts He has to offer you. Let your heart open, listen for His voice, and accept Christ into your life. You will be given His amazing blessings, bounty, and gifts that no one else can promise you.

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