
Recently Beliefnet offered 10 Quick Ways to Pray, a guide to helping you find a few spare moments in your daily life  to connect with God. We asked what your favorite quick ways to pray were. Below are some of your top ways to squeeze in a few moments of prayer time in your busy day. You can still share more of your favorite quick ways to pray on the message boards.

Computer Prayers
"When I sit at the computer I find myself saying small prayers for people or about things that are going on in my life. Sometimes it seems that God sort of answers me back. Not always in the way I expect, but an answer."


The Littlest Things
"I often find myself just chattering away to God like I would to anyone else who is present in the room. I often misplace things and am usually in a hurry, and I end up praying for God to help me find keys, books, etc. When I do find them, I say aloud, "Thank you, God". I try to remember to thank Him for all of the littlest things in my life."

Leaving and Entering
"These two ideas are ones I have picked up along the way - one from a teacher, the other from a book. They work wonders. Each time you place your hand on your door leaving your home, or the door entering where you work, pause. Pray for the day/for the work that will be done.

"The other tip, which is in some ways related, is to have your own 'sign'. (In the first tip, the doorhandle would be the sign.) Pick something to be your sign, and each time you see it, remind yourself of your prayer."

After the Gym
"After I exercise, instead of praising myself during the breathing/stretching commonly practiced in most at-home programs, I praise God and thank Him for the ability to exercise and all of the blessings He gives me.

Toss Your Burdens
"I lift my palms up and 'toss' my burdens to God. No words. Or I just close my eyes and say Thank you."

Gratitude for Everything
"I say thank you to the universe as often as I can--when I find a penny on the ground, when my subway comes at the perfect time, at the end of a long day. Having gratitude is my way to stay connected to the abundance of the universe."
Swirl Divider

Just Breathe
"Recently I came upon a quote by Tennyson that I have heard before but that hit me with new meaning. 'Closer than breathing is he, nearer than hands and feet.' Throughout the day I have become aware of my breathing, realizing that is how close he is. As one of the posts here said...talking is not always necessary since he knows all of our thoughts. That is how close he is. Closer than breathing. Wow...what a thought..."

-- cindijh
Swirl Divider

A Morning Ritual
"Following the example of Martin Luther, when I get up in the morning I make the sign of the Cross and repeat the words 'I am baptized.' This sets me up for the day and helps me see things from that perspective. I don't say lots and lots of words to God because I know that God is every present and knows all my thoughts and concerns; and I thank God for this supporting and loving Presence.

"In the evening I perform a short ritual involving candles and holy water by way of a thank offering, and I pray for myself, for those I love and for those who have nobody to pray for them."

Share your favorite quick ways to pray here.

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