Woman holding cross

Are you in physical, mental, emotional or spiritual grief and searching for help? God is with you and has the power to heal you from the inside out. The Bible tells us, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results” (James 5:16). There are countless verses in the Bible that will give you solid reasons to talk to God and trust His healing power. If you’re in need of God’s miracle power, know that the Great Physician is eagerly awaiting your prayers. If you are internally or externally and are ready to ask God for healing, turn to these prayers. While we may never understand why God allows some of us to go through certain trials, we all can know for certain that God is sovereign and that He loves us through all of the storms in this life. Never underestimate the power of prayer and faith. Say these five healing miracle prayers daily.

Giver of Life

Hope comes when you trust in God and tell Him all your problems, knowing He is your protector. It’s OK to tell Him you are angry, scared, or that you feel numb. In those moments when you feel numb, when you feel like you’ve lost His love, go to God and tell Him that. Hebrews 10:23 teaches us, “We can trust God to do what He promised” and He promises to pour His love into our hearts. Trust in His love and His healing power in all circumstances:

Lord, my eternal relationship with You began from the moment I first believed. I don’t need to work for it, and I don’t need to hope it will come to pass someday. My life in You is a done deal. It is not based on my feelings, my struggles, or even this ailment. I have life only because I have You! In You, I live and move and have my very existence. Thank You for Your assurance that I am Your child and You will never leave or forsake me. Help me to comprehend what this new life in You actually means, through good times and bad, in health and in sickness. Thank You, Lord, the Giver of Life! Amen.

By Faith Alone

God has a reason for allowing things to happen. The Bible tells us, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). We may never understand His wisdom but we simply have to trust His will. God has a plan for your life. Pray for His direction to follow it, patience to wait on it and knowledge to know when it comes:

God, You had a simple plan to save me. Thank You that my faith alone makes me right in Your sight! Unlike all other religions, I don’t have to do anything to earn my salvation. Help me to accept and believe that what I’m going through in this very moment is not the result of my not doing enough to be a good person, or falling short of Your standard. My relationship is made right with You from start to finish, only by believing and trusting in You. Thank You that I am made righteous by faith alone. Thank You for coming to save me. Amen.

His Word Brings Life

God’s Word says the prayer of faith shall heal the sick. Go to God today in faith and ask that He heals you from sickness. We receive healing by faith. Open yourself up today to God’s blessings, healing and miracles. Let all worries leave your heart. Don’t forget that you have a God who cares, who loves you so deeply and will never let you go:

Lord, Your Word is the true medicine that heals. It is the source of my hope and my every breath. Help me to listen carefully and never lose sight of Your Word through the distractions of the world. Lord, I want Your word to penetrate the depths of my heart. I want to live by Your word and receive all the benefits of knowing You. Thank You that Your word brings life and healing to my whole body.

Healing Your Body

It can be difficult to keep your faith when you’re going through trials, but it is important that you trust in God during hard times. The Bible tells us, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). The storms of life may be raging around you in this present moment, but God is always there to bring you through. God will shine His light on us and when we ask, He will help us through the hard times:

Father, You are present in the eye of the storm, always guiding and directing my path. There is so much information and so many decisions! It overwhelms me, Lord, especially when the world’s wisdom and my own understanding are at odds with Yours. Lord, help me to bring every decision to You and follow Your lead. Help me not to be wise in my own eyes, but to trust You completely. Then I will have healing from my body and strength for my bones. Amen.

Compassion For Pain

God has the power to restore you. Scripture reminds us that He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. The Lord said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). God has the power to turn your trials into a foundation of strength and with every weakness, you have an opportunity for God to show You His strength in your life.

You know I am weak, Father. My body aches, my pain is excruciating, and my bones are in agony. How long must I wait for You to heal and restore me? Yet, You are holy. Have compassion on me, Lord. Comfort me in this affliction! You are the God who heals all my diseases. Please take this pain away. Heal me, Lord! Make me whole again.

These healing prayers will help you as you pray for His will, grace and presence. When you’re battling any internal or external condition, knowing exactly what to say to God can be difficult. You may even feel lost and alone. Yet, God knows where you are and has a good plan for your future, even if you don’t understand it. Trust in the Holy Spirit to guide your words as you seek God. No matter what you’re facing today, His glory can be proclaimed. If you know someone going through a trial in their life, share these prayers to encourage them today!

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