
Let’s begin this with a disclaimer. There is no wrong way to pray to God. Kneel if you want to kneel, walk if you prefer to walk, say the pray out loud if you want to speak, or pray as you drive into work. Prayer is intimate, and no one has the authority to tell you that the way you choose to pray is incorrect.

What God does want you to know is:

  • Prayer is a daily practice that you should embrace.
  • Prayer is not something you only do when you’re facing hardship and troublesome times.
  • Some prayers are not answered and there is a reason why. God has a reason why your prayers are unanswered.
  • Sometimes you will discover and sometimes you will not discover why your prayers are unanswered.
  • God is always listening to your prayers.

Okay, now that we’ve laid a bit of groundwork down, let’s identify ways you can pray to God.

Designate Prayer Time

This specified time can be whatever time of the day works best for you. This time looks different for everyone. You may choose to kneel by your bedside, at the table before you eat, at your kitchen nook while you sip your morning coffee, when you read your daily affirmations or devotional, or even when you’re embarking on your daily commute. Scheduling daily prayer is a sacred way you can build exceptional habits.

Be Intentional

The primary focus of prayer is the intent. Ask yourself, what is the purpose behind the prayer? Is your prayer for personal gain or is it covering others? Intentionality is the basis for all prayer because it delineates real need and sheer desire. Oftentimes, when we recite the intent behind our prayer we identify lessons and our hope is purified.

Record Your Prayers

Writing your prayers in a journal is an enlightening exercise. Not only does it provide you with a reference for future prayers and inspiration, but it also serves as the foundation for reflection. The hustle of everyday can be physically and emotionally draining. As we pray to God, we frequently forget about the prayers that were answered. If a prayer is answered, notate it. If a prayer goes unanswered, record your thoughts and later, lessons you’ve learned. Prayer is an open conversation with yourself and God – and it’s perfectly okay to take notes.

Perfect Your Prayer

Talk to your small group leader, pastor or a close friend and discuss your prayer formalities. We ask friends and family for relationship advice all the time. So, why wouldn’t we do the same regarding our relationship with God? He is someone we communicate with on a daily basis. He is someone we deem as the head of our family and life. He is someone we trust with our deepest thoughts. Nonetheless, seeking advice to nurture this relationship is a practice we should all do.

Get Equipped With the Resources

Praying to God means you must have access to the resources to cultivate prayer. First, of course, you need a Bible. Determine if you prefer having the physical Bible or if it is easier for you to access it via an app. Then, identify other resources that will curate a comfortable praying environment. These tools can be a candle, rosary, table, chair, pillow, blanket, or a treasured memento from a loved one.

Open and Close Your Prayer

Generally every conversation has a beginning and ending. Think about it. Hello, goodbye, good morning, and hi – just to name a few. Prayers are intimate conversations you have with God; therefore, these conversations should follow the same framework. You don’t have to be super formal. In fact, you should say whatever comes natural to you. But having a definitive beginning and end will help you organize your thoughts.

Show Respect

God is always standing by your side, no matter what. He continuously shows up for you every day. It is only proper that you show Him respect. He sacrificed so much for you. He wiped away your sins and allows you to live. Keep that in mind as you are praying to God. Respect lies within the way you address Him, the notion of setting aside designated time for Him, the tone you address unanswered prays or troublesome thoughts, and the way you allow His followings to influence you.

And, lastly keep these scriptures in mind as you create how you will to pray to God:

“And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him.” 1 John 5:15

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.” 7 Ephesians 1:18

Prayer is a beautiful expression. Each child of God has the ability to cultivate their own relationship and identify with the Lord through prayer. Prayer provides an authentic way to view the challenges placed in front of us and the journey we must take to overcome the unthinkable. All in all, prayer is our way of checking in with the most important man in our lives and provides Him the platform to guide us on our predestined pathways. If Christians allow prayer to be a learning experience, they will identify a tremendous amount of growth and compassion within their faith and themselves.

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