If you lack confidence, it may be a result of anxiety in your heart. Worrying can be harmful not only to our emotional health, but also to our physical health. Excessive worrying can lead to depression and can even cause us to become physically ill. When we worry, we get so lost in what “might” happen that we lose sight of our peace and happiness, and can no longer find our inner calm. If worry is currently on your heart or you’ve simply lost your way, there is hope, and that hope can be channeled through prayer. The Bible tells us to cast our anxieties on the Lord and do not be anxious about anything for God is with us. Not only do you have the ear of our great Heavenly Father, but you also have been giving the privilege of being used of God to help change the lives of those around you, even those people you don’t even know. God has made available to you His reservoir of power, wisdom, love and grace, if only you are willing to believe, trust and obey Him. When you say these silently or out loud, change will happen. Here are six ways to pray with confidence and grace.