2022-01-19 2022-01-19

Exodus 27:9-27:19

You shall make the enclosure of the Tabernacle: On the south side, a hundred cubits of hangings of fine twisted linen for the length of the enclosure on that side--with its twenty posts and their twenty sockets of copper, the hooks and bands of the posts to be of silver. Again a hundred cubits of hangings for its length along the north side--with its twenty posts and their twenty sockets of copper, the hooks and bands of the posts to be of silver. For the width of the enclosure, on the west side, fifty cubits of hangings, with their ten posts and their ten sockets. For the width of the enclosure on the front, or east side, fifty cubits: fifteen cubits of hangings on the one flank, with their three posts and their three sockets; fifteen cubits of hangings on the other flank, with their three posts and their three sockets; and for the gate of the enclosure, a screen of twenty cubits, of blue, purple, and crimson yarns, and fine twisted linen, done in embroidery, with their four posts and their four sockets. All the posts round the enclosure shall be banded with silver and their hooks shall be of silver; their sockets shall be of copper. The length of the enclosure shall be a hundred cubits, and the width fifty throughout; and the height five cubits--[with hangings] of fine twisted linen. The sockets shall be of copper: all the utensils of the Tabernacle, for all its service, as well as all its pegs and all the pegs of the court, shall be of copper.
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